Leadership Quadrants – and Hills

Weather – Beautiful with a slight sprinkle QIC: Bing Pax: Sir Wallace, Ace, Brutus, Steel, Ripken, Mr. Clean, Backdraft, Cotton Tail, Ricky Bobby, Papa Smurf, Eye Spy, Condenser, DeFib, Lancelot, Ringo, Trump, Bing The parking lot was occupied earlier on with a number of different folks taking on various distances of pre-runs, all returning just …

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F3 Suncoast Honors Veterans Day

Date: 11/11/2019 Weather: 62 degrees, clear QIC: Manziel Pax: Ace, Big Mac, Bing, Goob, Lancelot, Manziei, Pincher, Ricky Bobby, Ripken, ShamWow, Sniper Today is Veterans Day, but since it’s also a Monday we had the usual 5.15 beatdown. We should do this every day, but today’s beatdown took on some extra meaning as we honored …

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Let’s get a little Savage

Friday Morning. November 8th, NBP in Sarasota. The temps are perfect at 71 degrees and the humidity is low for the Gloom. This should prove to be a great morning for the Gloom I have planned for the Pax. Pre Run Warm Up: I arrive early and start my Pre Run Warm up as usual …

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Volbeatdown (#1)

Weather: 69 degrees, 74% humidity.  Almost not warm.  Winter is nigh. QIC: BRUTUS PAX: Bing, Brutus, Chili Pepper, Drake, Goob, Manziel, Ricky Bobby (FNG), Ripken, ShamWow, Six Pack, Trump. Star Spangled Banner @ 5:12AM.  Because ‘Merica. F3 Mission, 5 Core Principles and F3 Credo (“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you left him”) …

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Teamwork Friday

Conditions 75 dark and humid. Mozi We circled the bridges and did the usual… butt kickers, high knees, Nur, kerioke. Warmup SSH X2, strawberry pickers, arm circles, Michael Phelps, wind mills and Bad Back Stretches. The Thang After working through some over prepared logistics we were on our way with a Dora. The exercises included the following: 100 …

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Date: 10/25/2019 Weather: 73 and humid (but who really knows with Strava Weather down?) QIC: Manziel Pax: Banjo, Big Mac, Bing, Bones, Brutus, Clutch, Coop, Dasani, Houdini, Lancelot, Manziel, Mr. Clean, Ripken, ShamWow, Sir Wallace, Siri, Six Pack, Stage Coach, Steel, Trump, Wilson, Wolverine It’s a Friday, which means it’s always a beautiful morning when …

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Laps of Pain

Weather: low 70s and no humidity QIC: Bing Pax: Bing, Trump, Lancelot, ShamWow, Ripken, Olympus, Posh, Pincher, Deep Dish, Goob, Drake, Crabcakes It’s another glorious morning in the Suncoast. YHC, Ripken, Trump and Drake went postal for a pre-run while Lancelot was out and about, likely logging double digit miles prior to the beatdown. No …

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Nolan, No Music This Time

Sadly, no music this Wednesday morning at Nolan. Click here for the good stuff. We just had a good old-fashioned beatdown. We started with a mosey around the roads to McNeal. The PAX could choose their own warm-up exercises during the mosey. For some reason, every single PAX choose to do monkey-humpers for the drivers …

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