Smurf Salute to Apollo 11 and Neil Armstrong

Weather: A full moon, but rather warm and humid. Reminded the gathered that the moon was often called a Buck Moon in mid summer, as it was so wide and bright you could see a buck’s horns against it in the light. Location: The sad news, even though we had a pre-nicknamed FNG, was that …

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The Competition Was Fierce

Weather-Mid 60’s and mosquito filled Welcome to spring in SW Florida, where every mosquito migrates to from the north.  And you all thought they just died in the winter!! With a smaller than usual crew, it was time to share the disclaimer and head off on the mosey…wait, what is that?  The pax was quickly …

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A Small Block Party at Camden

Weather:  59 degrees F, 95% humidity and wind NE 4 mph. Ten (10) brave young (and old) men showed up this beautiful Tuesday morning to enjoy a little Banjo Beatdown.  After the F3 core principles and a quick disclaimer were presented, the PAX began the usual Mosi around the parking lot.  The Mosi included karaokes …

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