F3 Suncoast 3rd Anniversary Beatdown

Weather: Gloomy Virtual QIC: Bing Pax: on Zoom:  https://zoom.us/j/371492216 Today marks a very important day in the history of F3 Suncoast.  3 years ago today, we planted the flag and launched as a mustard seed for F3 Nation. 5 men joined on this glorious day, and a comment was made that this is exactly what …

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Hearts on Fire

The Rocky Workout Warm, partly cloudy Tues. 3/31/20 virtual beatdown blast: Q = Sir Wallace This will involve some running  ( 1.5 miles total ) with various exercises worked in between. (You can bring a medicine ball or soccer ball in your Ruck for modified Merkins, but not required) If you can’t perform the exact exercise, …

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Let’s go….

Weather: gunna be a dark and gloomy morning unless you fartsack a tad and start later Virtual QIC: Bing Pax: Best pax in the country Warm up – it’s likely going to be a warm morning so go for a jog around the block with the usual tricks: high knees, nur, butt kickers and skips. …

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F3 Soul Detox Book Study | Virtual Meeting

Soul Detox – Craig Groeschel | Virtual Meeting UPDATE: Starting Saturday 5/9 Soul Detox will start meeting again at 6:15am at Adventure Park before the beatdowns. We will likely still use zoom for those Pax that prefer to attend from the comfort of their homes. For Saturday 5/2 we will still meet on the Zoom …

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Feel The Burn.

Brothers.  Thanks to technology we will attempt to bridge the space between us and come together in a Virtual AO.  Requirements.  Energy and some craziness.  Also measure out approx. 25 yards (happens to be the length of my drive way).   Rucks are optional. 7am launch! Here is the link to the Zoom meeting.  Once you …

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Hospital Name Day

While we never use one another’s hospital name, todays beatdown will help us remember one another’s name! Hospital name is the name you were given at the day of your birth, for those of you who can’t figure this out. Start with a mozi around the block, but be courageous and go in the opposite …

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F3 Prayer Book Study | Virtual Breakfast Meeting

Prayer – Timothy Keller | Virtual Breakfast Meeting We are going to start meeting at the same time, different places for our weekly bible study, previously held at Peaches. Until further notice we will be meeting using the Zoom app every Wednesday morning at 7:00 am (the meeting room is open starting at 6:30 am). …

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Pre-Blast For Wednesday 3/25/2020

QIC- Crabcakes 5 Core Principles- held outside, rain or shine, heat or cold, humidity or running in clouds led in a rotating fashion by idiots like me free to all open to all men of all walks ends in a virtual circle of trust/prayer The Warmup: 1/4 mile mozy to include High Knees, buttkickers, and …

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