…. Minute to Win it

Q: Chilipepper Pax brave enough to post..  Stagecoach and Mr Clean   5 core principles were referenced and Mozy!  High Knees and butt kickers along with some mumble chatter initiated today beatdown.  Followed by SSH, Michelle Phelps, Agitators and some old fart back stretches for Stagecoach.. (thanks JD).   Each pax grabbed 2 35 pond …

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The Wild side

FullSizeRender AO= Heritage Harbour Weather = 77F thunder clouds 91% humidity, no rain HIM = Goob, Mr. Clean, Q= Sir Wallace Warm up: SSH, in place high knees, butt kickers, strawberry pickers, plank calf stretches, jog in place arm circles and Michael Phelps Wild Thang! Run one lap around entire lake 1.5 miles Ten station …

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No Q? No Pax? Beatdown!

Q: ? PAX:  ? No Q, No Pax..  What is a Chilipepper to do? Besides EHing 3 FNGs,  Cone, Water Bottle and FlashLight. .. Moxy to HH Light House for some warmup and reconnaissance.  Lot’s of ideas PAX!! DORA..  Well kinda.  Broke it down to 50 each and hit it. 100 – Burpees 150 – …

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Tres Amigos

74F with 95% humidity Sir Wallace, ChiliPepper, Trump Todays Message: Strive to be Spiritually and physically swifter than eagles, stronger than lions. Three High Impact Men showed up ready to conquer heritage Harbour, with a no quit attitude! 5 Core principles, disclaimer then launched into a mosey circling the parking lot. WarmUp: strawberry pickers, Squat …

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5 Minutes to Win it?

Q: Chilipepper PAX:  Goob, Lancelot Quick Mozy with some mumble chatter..  Buck Kickers, High Knees.  Rounded up and performed a round of Motivators starting with 8. The Thang. 20s 1 min: 20 Lunges 2 min: 20 Lunges + Squats 3 min: 20 Lunges + Squats + Merkins 4 min: 20 Lunges + Squats + Merkins …

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