It Was Early

Weather: 75F at 0415 and dew point 72F. Humidex = 147 at this hour. The torment starts early this time of year. Pre-run: At 0415, YHC and Defib launched off into a 6.5 mile easy pace pre-run. Excalibur apparently forgot to set his alarm, so he missed the pre-run. But would he show for the main course? …

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Easy Hill Work

Weather: temp in low-70s and dew point in upper-60s. Welcome FL summer, let’s run! Pre-run: YHC and Defib hit the pavement at 0410 to log some easy miles on the Green Bridge. It was fun. Welcome: as Excalibur rolled-in, he wasn’t sure if he was early or late, but he sent YHC and Defib a text stating he …

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Just us and the Pavement

Weather: a little muggy with temp at 61F and dew point at 60F. Nevertheless, a good day for a run. Welcome: at 0515, YHC greeted the Excalibur (who put in a mile or so by arriving 15-min early) and away we went. The Thang: With four straight weeks of high-intensity repeats and intervals at this AO, YHC thought …

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