A Ghostly Beatdown

7 Pax for a Ghostly inspired Beat down. Warm Up Mozy Side Straddle Hops Peter Parkers Burpees on “Ghost” & Side Straddle in between to Ghost Busters . The Meat 4×20 Clean and Jerk w/Coupon Bear Crawl Hand release Merkins Sprint Masonry Swings (two and or singles) Bear crawls between stations LBC Sprint The Plus …

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Crisp Morning for a Beatdown

  Warm Up Mozy Weave Right and Left punch Slow/fast (20 each) Right & Left Punch + Duck Knee + Kicks Lunge + Knee + Kick + Jump Kick Sally squats The Meat Tabata Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Merkin Sprint Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Air Squats Sprint Tabata 8 Sets 20/10 Burpees Sprint Tabata 8 …

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Roaring Lions

Pax: Papa Smurf, Underdog, Blocker (FNG), Condenser (FNG) T’was a great cold morning to break into a sweat at 64 degrees. The new AO is neighbors to the Big Cat Habitat, thus arrival to the AO was accompanied with the roars of lions, leopards, and such. Those that are unfamiliar with the AO are on alert …

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Winter is Coming

It’s 5:15 am and it’s 59 degrees, the first cold weather workout heading into fall and winter and hoping for more weather like this. Everyone showed up with a long sleeve and/or sweat shirts.   Pax: Bing, Ripken, Sniper, Mr. Clean, Jimmy Dean, Gump (FNG), Underdog   We had 1 FNG in the gloom, Bing gave …

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AbScream not Ice Cream

The day started with a mile fun run for a few of us.  Ripken put the Pax through a wonderfully painful array of Crabby Toes, SPDs, LBCs, Tuck Jumps, Kneebows and GetUps.  Warm ups were WIMPS – Wacky Jacks, Imperial Walkers, Moving Merkins, Plank Jacks and Shuttle Kicks.  We did exercises, ran shuttle runs between …

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No Q, No Problem

5:15 rolled around, and the Q had not arrived, so off we went for a mosey around the lot including high knees, butt kickers, Karaoke (2) to end at COP. SSH (30 IC) Merkins (10 IC) Mountain Climbers (14 IC) Imperial Walkers (10 IC) Monkey Humpers (10 IC) The Thang In an effort to keep …

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Celery Fields AO Launch Backblast

  13 Pax gathered at the launch of the Celery Fields AO this past Saturday at 7am: Kotter, Bing, YoYo Ma, Sterling, Papa Smurf, T-Ball, Slam, Sledgehammer, Checkmate, Chef, Underdog, Backdraft, Carver With an amazing sunrise and an inviting hill mountain in the background, Bing led the disclaimer and brief on F3 for FNGs. COP: Mosey to back …

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Reborn Visit

                The Pax of Lakewood Ranch had a special visitor from The Rock region of Rock Hill, SC.  Reborn has been planning his family vacation for months, but his first order of business was to get on the F3 Lakewood Ranch Q Schedule.  Reborn brought the pain, but …

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