Gridlock & his Ma-Homies

Weather: temp 77F and dew point 74F. Yes, still FL humid, so let’s have fun and dew what we can to get better! Pre-run: YHC and Defib launched at 0344 for a speed workout. We covered about 8.0-miles with 1.8-mile repeats at Half Marathon and 10K pace. We returned to the tower parking lot of pax with …

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Psycho Bunny Challenge

Weather: 55-degrees and sunny. 9 HIM relinquished the fartsack, shaking off the cobwebs, and posting in the dewy Gloom for a morning of pain.  Bing, who is out with scabies, scurvy, or some other weird-sounding thing that starts with the letter S was kind enough to drop-in to deliver the Shovel Flag.  Chili Pepper posted early for …

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Holy Cow! Man-Up Baseball Challenge

Weather: 75-degrees and foggy. 14 HIM relinquished the fartsack, shaking off the cobwebs, and posting in the dewy Gloom for a morning of pain.  Chili Pepper posted early for a pre-workout mosey.  YHC gathered and welcomed the PAX, providing the F3 disclaimer and encouraging more VQs in the upcoming weeks.  Drake led us in prayer and …

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Exercise and run, what else?

Weather: 80 and muggy The Gloom broke and the parking lot at 6655 Greenbrook Blvd began to fill up nicely again.  Most interesting was the car that was already in the lot as YHC pulled in.  Turns out that an FNG was misinformed of our start time and arrived at 5:45 am.  Instead of returning to …

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