1k by 6 + an hour early

Weather: cold and rainy, perfect day to run. Temps in the low-50s with a nice steady breeze from the Northwest. Light rain. Welcome: A little backstory. In unusual fashion, YHC awoke promptly at 0330 and was out the front door by 0345 with a quick stop at the local Wawa for some morning joe. Since …

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Pete and Re-pete

Weather: perfect day for some bridge hill repeats. Temps in upper-60s with a nice steady breeze from the Northwest. Dew Point in the mid-60s, so a bit on the humid side. Welcome: at exactly 0515, YHC greeted the lucky posters, Excalibur and Shamrock. We discussed the two hill runs YHC had on the ticket. It …

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Where the Sidewalk Ends

Weather: perfect day for a run. Temps in low 60s with a slight breeze from the Northwest. Dew Point in the upper 50s. Couldn’t ask for much better. Welcome: at exactly 0515, YHC thanked the good Lord for another day, for family, friends and good health. YHC thought about engaging the group of homeless folks …

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Running AO Recon Mission

Weather: Perfect running weather – 58 and low dew point. Mission – check out a location to launch a pure running AO.  I think Ragnar has caused an itch that we all need to scratch!! The track at LWR HS is locked down like a prison, so the pax took off for a run across …

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Recon of Twin Lakes

We were 10 strong for our recon of Twin Lakes Park in Sarasota In honor of Badger in the SC PAX we were all dressed in Red. We started off with a Mosy around the parking lots doing some high knees, butt kickers and karaoke’s. We circled up and did some SSH’s, Strawberry pickers and Imperial Walkers. …

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