
YHC was nominated to Q, thanks Bing…so here it is.

A few riders met at 5:15 to do some bonus mileage. While the rest of us pulled in for the usual 6 am Launch. It was quickly noted that an FNG, latter named Zipp was present. As the early riders were quick to begin the mumble chatter, something to do with how he roasted everyone. So he may have been new to F3 but he certainly wasn’t new to cycling. YHC was about to learn what all the mumbling was really about…

We started with in a reverse order with announcements and naming the FNG. Since we have different speeds and finishing times throughout the Pax. Ripken even had to part early and only got the Pre-ride in today.

YHC took the lead first building up to around 21 mph. This was just the beginning as it quickly became 22,23,24+ as we were drug around by Zapp.

It’s was a great push and it’s awesome to see all the improvements gained by those who are constantly at the AO.

Everyone peeled off at the end but YHC went all the way back to WaWa to see the last of the Pax come in. Doesn’t feel right not bring in the 6.

Welcome back Trump! Pincher out.