Leadership Quadrants – and Hills

Weather – Beautiful with a slight sprinkle

QIC: Bing

Pax: Sir Wallace, Ace, Brutus, Steel, Ripken, Mr. Clean, Backdraft, Cotton Tail, Ricky Bobby, Papa Smurf, Eye Spy, Condenser, DeFib, Lancelot, Ringo, Trump, Bing

The parking lot was occupied earlier on with a number of different folks taking on various distances of pre-runs, all returning just prior to the 5:15a launch. With an FNG present, the disclaimer was shared along with the F3 Mission statement of:

Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Off we went for a mozi that included Toy Soldiers, NUR, Butt Kickers and high knees, ending in the COP which included the following:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Plank Series
  • Merkins x10
  • Mountain climbers x10IC
  • Peter Parkers x10IC
  • LBCs x10IC
  • Honey Mooners x10IC
  • Wheezy Jeffersons x10 IC

It was time to mosi over to one of the ‘hills’ of Benderson and to get a closer look at more of the festive decorations in place.  Along the way, the pax stopped for some street side monkey humpers for passers-by.

The Thang

Upon arrival, the pax were instructed to complete 4 exercises at the base of the hill and then run hard to the apex of the bridge (3rd green sign).  At the top, 10 Monkey Humpers.  4 exercises at 20 reps were Overhead Claps, LBCs, Imperial walkers and Salsa Dips (Squats).  Rinse and repeat until about 10 minutes remained.  The pax pushed one another with everyone really giving what they had with the run!


YHC took the opportunity to share the 4 Quadrants of Preparedness from the QSource:

  1. Get Right
  2. Live Right
  3. Lead Right
  4. Leave Right

If you can’t get right and live right, you cannot be an effective leader.  Once you lead right, what kind of legacy are you leaving the world with?  All indexes of the Qsource can be found here, and I strongly recommend reading and studying them: https://f3nation.com/q-source-index/

F3 is more than just a workout group and many of the pax have done amazing jobs growing, planting and serving this group and the community.  If you feel called to lead, reach out to some of those pax!


  • Tclaps to Brutus for taking lead on the 12/12 salvation army gathering
  • 12.17 Ronald McDonald house outing
  • Ragnar shirts being handed out at beatdowns – YHC has them all


  • Trumps family friends dealing with the loss of their father and son’s mental condition
  • Ripken’s Father and his Father in-law

It is always an honor to lead this great group of men.  Strong effort by all, and even better fellowship throughout!

~Bing out