1776 Patriot Games v. 2023

The Suncoast PAX rallied with 48 strong including a handful of down range men who traveled to join us as we met for the annual 1776 Patriot Games. (Most notably…

Emergen-Q at Publix

Late-ish Thursday, the plea went out. The Q for Friday had major car trouble. Somebody else would need to Q in the morning. YHC stepped up (and immediately looked at…

Figure 8 Pain Stations

Good group drove in just as YHC was putting the finishing touches on the requisite sidewalk chalk art. At the end of the Beatdown, Chilipepper passed the Tower Shovel to…

perfect weather for losing body weight

The weather was perfect this morning if your goal was to profusely sweat within seconds of walking out the front door.  Real feel was 91 degrees at launch (yep, that…

Pop Up @ Bob Garter Park

Pop UP Q at Bob Gartner community park!  5 HIMs and 1 FNG!  Welcome Hazard!   Disclosure, 5 core principles.. Mozy with high knees, butt kickers, and side shuffle.  …

Bad Clown – Bad Beatdown

5:15 – 15 Pax tuned in to a great 45 minute workout. But first, 5 core principles mentioned. Warm-Up: Strawberry Pickers, Grab right leg, grab left leg, imperial walkers, Moroccan…

Just Ruckin It

While in route this morning, Condenser informed me he was running about 5 minutes late.  This would be forgiven, as he was bringing extra rucks for the PAX. The 5…

90 Miles to Cuba

Today we took up the burden of our fellow PAX members Chilipepper and Sir Wallace as they delivered on their word to perform an insane amount of Burpees for Cuba!…

Intro to Broga 101

The air was thick with anticipation as well as micro-water droplets.  Some of these were from the humidity, others were from the evaporated sweat of those doing Insane Clown.  Kudos…

Who was you EH?

It was 7:00, 79°, 1000% humidity.  There were only two of us for the beatdown, so we started with some old man Jimmy Dean stretches, followed by some arm circles…