Better late than never…  or it never happened?

QIC:  Chilipepper 11 Pax in attendance  Olimpys, Drake, Tiger, Cotton Tail, Dash, Sparky, Wolford, Pincher, Papa Smurf 5 Core Principles, Mozy!  This brisk mozy included Side shuffle(s), Nur, Nur Butt Kickers.   In the circle we did SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Dipping Nachos and Michel Phelps. Coupons Time!   We lined up in the nice damp grass and …

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Gridlock & his Ma-Homies

Weather: temp 77F and dew point 74F. Yes, still FL humid, so let’s have fun and dew what we can to get better! Pre-run: YHC and Defib launched at 0344 for a speed workout. We covered about 8.0-miles with 1.8-mile repeats at Half Marathon and 10K pace. We returned to the tower parking lot of pax with …

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77 “Degrees of Separation” for 7 on the 7th

77 , Crisp & Cool Q: Lancelot 5 Core Principals Mozzi consisted of  High Knees, Butt Kickers, Keriokies, Toy Soldiers Warming up: Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Stretches for legs and hamstrings … and now the “Bridge Thang” Starting at the base,  Every 4th Light: 10 – Merkins        20 LCBs  …

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Carolina Conditioning Test- Play or sit the bench?

Weather:  not too hot, not too cold but HUMID QIC:  Goob Pax:  Pincher, Young Buck, CottonTail, ShamWow, Posh, Mugsy, Trump, Banjo, Mr. Clean, Drake, Olympus, Wolverine, Ricky Bobby, Manziel, Goob At promptly 5:15, the 5 core principles were recited and Goob ensured that their were no FNG’s.  Foolishly, Goob thought Young Buck was an FNG …

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November Rain….err….Sweat

Clearwater 11-5-19 Beautiful clear and cool morning at 64 degrees to start. The Pax circled up for a quick disclaimer and introduction with Q being led by Spicy Chicken Latte. The warm up lasted approximately 5 minutes and went directly into the main event. Circle of Death for 20 minutes followed by a brief break …

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Volbeatdown (#1)

Weather: 69 degrees, 74% humidity.  Almost not warm.  Winter is nigh. QIC: BRUTUS PAX: Bing, Brutus, Chili Pepper, Drake, Goob, Manziel, Ricky Bobby (FNG), Ripken, ShamWow, Six Pack, Trump. Star Spangled Banner @ 5:12AM.  Because ‘Merica. F3 Mission, 5 Core Principles and F3 Credo (“Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you left him”) …

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Teamwork Friday

Conditions 75 dark and humid. Mozi We circled the bridges and did the usual… butt kickers, high knees, Nur, kerioke. Warmup SSH X2, strawberry pickers, arm circles, Michael Phelps, wind mills and Bad Back Stretches. The Thang After working through some over prepared logistics we were on our way with a Dora. The exercises included the following: 100 …

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