The Meaning of Marriage | Week 5

Week 5 | Chapter Two: The Power of Marriage (Part 2)

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This week 6 Pax met at Adventure Park and Rowdy called in from the Bahamas to continue our latest book study: The Meaning of Marriage. Thank you everyone that was able to attend. We finished chapter two. See the end of this back blast for this week’s assignment.

 It Only Takes One to Begin Healing

  • If only one spouse makes the decision to work on their selfishness, over time it will soften the other spouse’s heart.
  • God asks that you deny yourself to find yourself.
  • The Christian principle that needs to be at work is Spirit-generated selflessness — not thinking less of yourself or more of yourself but thinking of yourself less.

The Fear of Christ

  • “Fear” in the bible means to be overwhelmed, to be controlled by something. To fear the Lord is to be overwhelmed with wonder before the greatness of God.
  • “Emotional Wealth”  — a sense of being loved so deeply that when someone wrongs us we can afford to be generous, able to forgive.
  • If we look to marriage to fill the God sized spiritual vacuum in our hearts, we will not be in a position to serve our spouse.

Growing in the Fear of the Lord

  • When you dive deeply into the life and works of a single figure you get to know how their mind works, you really get to know that person.
  • Immerse ourselves into Jesus’s like work, His promises, counsels and encouragements. This will change the way we live instinctively.
  • This takes years of studying, reflection, disciplined prayer, reading, conversations with friends and dynamic congregational worship.

Two Ways to “Love”

  • It is possible to feel “madly in love” with someone when it is really just an attraction to someone who can meet your needs and address insecurities and doubts you have about yourself.
  • The only way to avoid sacrificing your partner’s joy and freedom on the altar of your own need is to turn to the ultimate lover of your soul.

1 John 4:19 – “We love — because he first loved us”


Homework for 11/9

  • Start reading Chapter Three – The Essence Of Marriage. Stop at: “Helping Romantic Love Fulfill Itself”
  • Marriage Exercise: Each day this week, continue praying for your wife. We will receive a new Marriage Exercise on Saturday.

Thoughts for the week:

  • Why is the marriage “Piece of Paper” so important?
  • What is the difference between horizontal and vertical covenants?
  • What is a covenant relationship?