November Rain….err….Sweat

Clearwater 11-5-19

Beautiful clear and cool morning at 64 degrees to start.

The Pax circled up for a quick disclaimer and introduction with Q being led by Spicy Chicken Latte.

The warm up lasted approximately 5 minutes and went directly into the main event.

  • Circle of Death for 20 minutes followed by a brief break
  • Lunges then a run to tree and back with plank waiting on last member
  • Reverse lunges then a run to the flag and back with whole side plank waiting on last member
  • Shuffle suicides to the flag and back
  • One legged jumps to the flag and back (alternating legs out and back)
  • Round of ab exercises

The Q concluded with a circle up, name-a-rama (2 FNGs),COT, prayer request, closing prayer.