Pincher VQ 2.0

Mosey (2 laps total 500 meter) High Knees Butt Kickers Karaoke Skip Side Shuffle Circled up Strawberry Pickers Wind mills 10 Burpees Thang (3 timed sets followed by a 500 meter run) Sit-up w peter Parker 2:00 Kick Through w 10 Plank Jacks 2:00 Spider-Man Merkins 1:00 500 meter run 1:30 break (to mumble) Rinse …

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Manziel’s Not-So-Gloomy Beatdown

Weather: 65 and WHO STOLE ALL THE HUMIDITY? By now, we’re used to strange things happening at any beatdown with YHC as the Q, but nobody was prepared for this. As we pulled up to Adventure Park, we found that no one had bothered to turn out the lights in the pavilion from the big …

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Time Trial & Ruckacide

Perfect morning for an attempted mass murder of the Pax via a one mile time trial.  If that failed, the backup plan was to kill them during a Ruckacide.  Fortunately, both plans narrowly failed and all Pax lived. After the 5 core principals and disclaimer were stated, Ripken headed off into an unconventional mozy that …

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Amazing Race v2

Weather:  Hot and humid.  Oddly, a fog rolled in as the beatdown progressed. 18 Pax in attendance.  One first timer at a beatdown, already given the name T-bone.  One FNG – Flash. Pax started with a mosey of two laps around the parking lot.  Mixed in were butt kickers, high knees, nur and carioca x2.  …

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Lightpost Smokefest

Weather: 60’s and wet, but no rain during the beatdown. Humpday has arrived, and it was time to get to work.  4 pre-runners arrived, yet two never left the parking lot.  This wasn’t due to being lazy, Gridlock and Big Mac decided humpday meant repeat 400’s in the parking lot, so they ran hotlaps for …

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Triathlon & the King of Pop

Ripken hit a 2 mile pre-run to get the blood flowing.  ShamWow showed up early too, but decided to meditate over his coffee instead of run. The weather was perfect, and the night was still starry.  No bugs, no humidity…why were so many Pax fartsacking?  Trump made a late appearance, but never got out of …

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3 Ways, F3 style

Weather: 59 and calm F3 workouts are supposed to get you in shape and discourage you from eating tasty, high-calorie food. Luckily, that’s more of a suggestion and not a core principle, so like pass interference in the NFL playoffs, it’s loosely enforced. We started with a 2-lap mozi around the parking lot that included …

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Good Cop, Bad Cop (reverse that)

615AM QSource fellowship discussion. Led by Sparky, attended by Ripken, Bing, Dash, Drake n Rowdy. Wonderful discussion, great start to a great day. 7am, low 60’s, 20 souls. 5 principals, disclaimer n wer off to mozy featuring Nur, Butt Kickers, High Knees & Karoake. Into COP for Windmills (10 IK), Strawberry Pickers (10 IK), Peter …

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