3 Ways, F3 style

Weather: 59 and calm

F3 workouts are supposed to get you in shape and discourage you from eating tasty, high-calorie food. Luckily, that’s more of a suggestion and not a core principle, so like pass interference in the NFL playoffs, it’s loosely enforced.

We started with a 2-lap mozi around the parking lot that included high knees, butt kickers, carioca x2, and nur. We then circled up for a COP with side straddle hops, imperial walkers, strawberry pickers, Moroccan nightclubs, and windmills. It was then time to head over to the basketball courts for the big thang.

YHC explained that yesterday was a huge day for Lakewood Ranch with the opening of its very own Skyline Chili on Lakewood Ranch Boulevard. Anyone who goes to college in Cincinnati gets indoctrinated into Skyline pretty fast, and I can tell you from personal experience that you haven’t lived until you’ve done the double play of closing Uncle Woody’s at 2.30am and then closing the Skyline near the UC campus at 4.00 (pictured below).

Image result for skyline chili clifton

Skyline’s most famous dish is the 3-way, which is a plate of spaghetti topped with chili and cheddar cheese. Keeping with that theme, several exercises were organized into groups of 3. Do a set of the first exercises on the baseline, go to the center line and do the 2nd set of exercises, go to the other baseline and do the 3rd set. Then go back to the center line and do the 2nd exercise again, and back to the baseline where we started for another set of the 1st exercise. To make it better, because Scrum went to high school in Cincinnati and is just as excited about the opening of the Skyline, modes of transportation were mostly based on his extremely popular Fun with Animals theme (sorry, but that’s gotten to the point where it deserves to be capitalized). Here was the setup:

1st set (20 reps at each station)

  • Monkey humpers
  • Carolina drydocks
  • Big boy situps
  • Mode of transportation: crab walk

2nd set (25 reps at each station)

  • Merkins
  • Overhead claps
  • Flutter kicks
  • Mode of transportation: duck walk

3rd set (30 reps at each station)

  • Shoulder taps
  • Evander Holyfields
  • Peter Parkers
  • Mode of transportation: side shuffle

4th set (35 reps at each station)

  • LBCs
  • Plank jacks
  • Freddie Mercuries
  • Mode of transportation: bear crawl

5th set (40 reps at each station)

  • American Hammers
  • Calf raises
  • Squats
  • Mode of transportation: toy soldiers

Bonus set (40 reps at each station)

  • Moroccan nightclubs
  • Imperial walkers
  • Side straddle hops
  • Mode of transportation: lunge walk

A couple of minutes were left for a Round of Mary, in which we did box cutters and V-ups.


  • Night to Shine, Friday night at Bayside – volunteer to help out if you can make it
  • Triathlon at the Y on Sunday (sold out)
  • Bridge a Life run on 2/16 – we have 39 registered for the F3 team, so sign up if you haven’t yet
  • April – Gator wilderness run
  • Memorial Day – Sup & Run at Benderson
  • T-shirt order is open, because those of us who have been at this for 6 months or more desperately need more shirts

Prayers & Praise reports:

  • Chili Pepper & Rowdy
  • Goob with a couple more interviews
  • First Responders
  • Pax who haven’t posted for a while – reach out to them and encourage them to come back, it works

BONUS POST-BEATDOWN ANNOUNCEMENT: In light of today’s workout, we are organizing an emergency 2nd F event, lunch at Skyline on February 14. Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day, but the date was Ripken’s idea so please direct all complaints his way. Bing has set up an event notice on Mumble Chatter. I will hopefully have achieved Norm from Cheers status at the place by then.

Burritos and Chilitos

