Lightpost Smokefest

Weather: 60’s and wet, but no rain during the beatdown.

Humpday has arrived, and it was time to get to work.  4 pre-runners arrived, yet two never left the parking lot.  This wasn’t due to being lazy, Gridlock and Big Mac decided humpday meant repeat 400’s in the parking lot, so they ran hotlaps for 45 minutes at an impressive breakneck speed.  YHC and Ripken took off for our usual 5-miler at fellowship pace where we solved the worlds problems with intermittent fasting and discussions on travel baseball and soccer politics.

One would think that the wet conditions and light rain showers would keep the pax in the fartsack…NOPE! Not HIM of F3 Nation.  15 with an FNG would appear for a borrowed beatdown by a nemesis of the Suncoast.  But first for the warm up.  Usual two laps including butt kickers, high knees, nur, carioca x2 and some toy soldiers.  Once we circled up for COP, we didn’t wait long to get down on the ground and embrace the wet (sorry Barron, the sweatshirt used to be white).

  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10 IC
  • LBCs x10
  • Freddie Mercuries x10IC
  • Hello Dolly x10 IC

Enough of the warm ups, it was time to hit the streets.  After using one of my Q Prep lifelines of text a Pax, Longshanks shared his weinke from the day prior.  Longshanks has a history of making friends at beatdowns, sarcastically.  He has a history of receiving the finger once or twice from the Suncoast, even before he ever visited and left his mark!  It was time for a lamp post beatdown including the following:  5 Lamp posts along Greenbrook Blvd, about 100m apart from one another.  Perform a set of exercises at each post. The sets included the following:

  1. 10x Monkey Humpers (on Hump day), 5x Burpees, 10x Dry Docks
  2. 15x Dips, 20x Mountain Climbers, 25x squats
  3. 30 Big Boy Sit-ups (there was a strange noise coming from one of the pax through-out this set – Hard to explain, but if it was gas, I pity those shorts).  This round involved much mumble chatter.  Yes, that’s 150 Big Boy Situps
  4. Grande Finale – 10 Burpees at each post (were those ShamWow burpees, Ripken?)

The pax battled through a great beatdown, and I am honored to lead this group.


  • Q needed for Adventure Park as 64 F3 pax will be at the SuperHero 5k
  • Sup n Run race in May
  • 3 days left on Shirt Order
  • Grayhawk 5k and 10k coming up soon.  Ask Gridlock or Wilson
  • Food pack for Wilson’s cause on Sunday and Monday – look for link on Mumble Chatter FB page



  • Police officer killed in NYC
  • Police officer harmed while helping homeless man in Sarasota
  • All police/first responders/military

An honor as always!  Welcome to Posh!  Sorry for the nickname – blame Mr Clean.

~Bing Out!