Good Cop, Bad Cop (reverse that)

615AM QSource fellowship discussion. Led by Sparky, attended by Ripken, Bing, Dash, Drake n Rowdy. Wonderful discussion, great start to a great day.

7am, low 60’s, 20 souls. 5 principals, disclaimer n wer off to mozy featuring Nur, Butt Kickers, High Knees & Karoake. Into COP for Windmills (10 IK), Strawberry Pickers (10 IK), Peter Parkers (10 IK) &  Mt. Climbers (10 IK). Now we run back to the Echo Chamber, Bing, Ripken, Sparky n Rowdy sprinted some.

7:10am, Echo Chamber for 7’s n 11’s! 11’s were Carolina Dry Docks n Morrocan Night Clubs. 7’s were Burpees (Chillipepper missed it) n Squats (Wilsons request, I think maybe he said “not squats”).  Circle Murk aka Banjo Bear Crawl with 3 Murkins for every pass, recommended by action photographer to the stars Drake himself. Sparky is by far the fastest bear in F3 Suncoast and I’ll bet on him against any bear anywhere!  Rounduh All Mighty Thors (Gridlock missed it) to end Bad Cop Rowdy’s portion. Mr. Clean take what’s left of em’!

730am, Soccer Pitch for Mr. Cleans Frisbee Football Spectacular! 4 teams of 5, 2 fields of play and lotsa Cardio! You ever feel like you sprinted 1.3 miles? Well today it’s cuz ya did, ya dig!? The rules were simple yet broken constantly. While there were some hall of fame players (Wilson) the games were fun for all. I’m on hr 17 today so if you want more detail or rules you can go to Mr. Good Cop himself.


announcements- Bridge a life, sign up if you haven’t. ya can’t ask for a better cause.  Tri yer Heart, let Ripken know if ya in so he can fenagle it so we all go togetherish.  Juvenile Bootcamp started today. holler at Rowdy or Scrum if interested.

praise reports- Rowdy’s old man is back to hisself, thank y’all for prayers, concern n Wilson n his Lovely wife Swazi for the best Jambo outside LA! Sparky’s got #5 in the oven!

prayer requests- Trump needs office space, Juvenile Bootcamp started today, Injured Pax, 1st Responders with special attention to Sniper, Zeus n Hercules.

Gentleman, thanks for comn out n bringn that somen special that each’a’ya bring to the table. This group wouldn’t be same without any’a’y’all. F3. Respect.

Rowdy out!