Amazing Race v2

Weather:  Hot and humid.  Oddly, a fog rolled in as the beatdown progressed.

18 Pax in attendance.  One first timer at a beatdown, already given the name T-bone.  One FNG – Flash.

Pax started with a mosey of two laps around the parking lot.  Mixed in were butt kickers, high knees, nur and carioca x2.  Then, the pax moved to the hockey rink.  (Editor’s Note:  The Q mistakenly referred to this as the “hockey court”, which is apparently unforgivable.)


  1. SSH x15 IC
  2. Strawberry pickers x10 IC
  3. Windmills x10 IC
  4. Moroccan Night Clubs x15 IC
  5. Arm Circles
  6. Alabama Ass-kickers x10 each leg IC
  7. Side Plank x2 each arm

The Thang

Timed Exercises.  To generate a little burn before the main event, the pax performed three exercises for a time of 45 seconds.  Goal was to complete as many reps as possible.  Rotation was merkins, LBCs, squats.

The Amazing Race.  The majority of the Thang was spent in The Amazing Race.  This was an extended course, bigger and better than the Race held in November.  Pax formed 8 teams.  Each team leader was given a map and a baggie.  The Race consisted of 8 exercise stations spread out across Adventure Park.  Distance to traverse all stations was about 2.5 miles.  Each station was marked with a cone and had a list of exercises to perform.  Generally, the stations consisted of two exercises with 20 reps each, repeated 3 times.  The furthest station had Burpees x10 for 3 repeats, as a special treat.  Upon completion of the exercises, the team could claim one token from a bowl at the station (a poker chip).  All team members had to complete all exercises.  Team had to travel together.  Pax were reminded not to hide or move any cones (BigMac).

Each token counted as one point.  If a team completed all 8 stations, they received 4 extra points.  Teams could not repeat the same station twice in a row.  However, teams could choose to not complete all 8 stations and forgo the extra points.  Teams had to return to the hockey rink by 7:55am.  Late arriving teams were docked a point for each minute.


And the winning team was:  Ripken and Mr. Clean!   These HIMs completed 10 stations total and arrived back at the hockey rink one minute late.  This netted them 13 points total, beating two other teams by 1 point.  Several teams were able to finish all 8 stations – a nice improvement from the prior Race.  Winning team was rewarded with left-over Halloween candy.

Praises / Prayers:

  • Mr. Clean:  Prayers for teenager (Sean) from his neighborhood who took his own life
  • Ripken:  Thoughts for his son who is going through some struggles
  • Mr. Clean:  Call-out for two pax getting recognized in F3 Nation post


  • Recall is organizing a poker tournament.  Proceeds will go to charity.
  • Backdraft is coordinating F3 participation in the Iron Sharpens Iron event in April.
  • Sniper will be at the Farm Bureau booth at the Sarasota County fair.  Looking for pax to help work the booth.