3 Ways, F3 style

Weather: 59 and calm F3 workouts are supposed to get you in shape and discourage you from eating tasty, high-calorie food. Luckily, that’s more of a suggestion and not a core principle, so like pass interference in the NFL playoffs, it’s loosely enforced. We started with a 2-lap mozi around the parking lot that included …

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A Small Block Party at Camden

Weather:  59 degrees F, 95% humidity and wind NE 4 mph. Ten (10) brave young (and old) men showed up this beautiful Tuesday morning to enjoy a little Banjo Beatdown.  After the F3 core principles and a quick disclaimer were presented, the PAX began the usual Mosi around the parking lot.  The Mosi included karaokes …

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Once upon a monday

So,,, once upon a Monday at Adventure Park, 13 weirdos gathered in the dark. Some came early to run before the fun, others came on time to enjoy their morning delights. No one was late, which always is great. 5:15am-5 principals, waiver, intro 5:16am- Mozy with Nurr, Butt Kickers, High Knees n Karaoke both ways. …

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Good Cop, Bad Cop (reverse that)

615AM QSource fellowship discussion. Led by Sparky, attended by Ripken, Bing, Dash, Drake n Rowdy. Wonderful discussion, great start to a great day. 7am, low 60’s, 20 souls. 5 principals, disclaimer n wer off to mozy featuring Nur, Butt Kickers, High Knees & Karoake. Into COP for Windmills (10 IK), Strawberry Pickers (10 IK), Peter …

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19 on a Friday!!!?

Conditions great morning, 58 degrees and clear Mozi   We ran one lap around bridges with the regular stuff… Nur, high knees,butt kickers, kerioke Warm up SSHops, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Strawberry Pickers and Bad Back Stretches! FNG Tower Run Of coarse with any FNG in attendance a Jailbreak run to the top is required!  Soooo, up and …

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Mario Kart F3!

Weather: chilly (low 50s), but with many recent beatdowns in the 40s, today felt pretty nice. Minimal wind. This makes Florida shine when compared to temps and wind chills other parts of the country are experiencing right now (low-teens and twenties with -50 wind chill in Chicago today!). Pre-run: 5-miles for YHC and Bing. Olympus …

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Run the Hot Pepper

18 for a Chilipepper beat down. Mozy with butt kickers, high knees. Side shuffle.  Then SSH, windmills, strawberry pickers and monkey humpers.  JD lead us in some old man back stretches. Mozy with paver overhead, alternating arms.  We then circled up: 30 x Full paver lunges, lung pass the paver under your leg, repeat, etc. …

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QSource | F2 Language

QSource | F2 Language Weather | 52° F | Humidity 54% | Wind: 9mph NE 7 Pax continued our new 3rd F study: QSource. This is a 50-week study and will take us all the way through 2019. The material has been developed by the leaders of F3 to help men learn and master leadership. All …

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