A Small Block Party at Camden

Weather:  59 degrees F, 95% humidity and wind NE 4 mph.

Ten (10) brave young (and old) men showed up this beautiful Tuesday morning to enjoy a little Banjo Beatdown.  After the F3 core principles and a quick disclaimer were presented, the PAX began the usual Mosi around the parking lot.  The Mosi included karaokes and toy soldiers


  • SSH’s
  • (Rowdy’s) Washer Machines
  • Strawberry Pickers
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Jimmy Dean’s (old man bad back stretches)

The Thang:

The PAX teamed up into groups of two (2), headed over to Banjo’s truck to pick up the coupons and returned to the back end of the parking lot.  The coupons today were 8” CMU Blocks.  Utilizing the blocks partner #1 would carry the block across the parking lot performing a “Farmer Carry / Merkings” while partner #2 would work on the LAGS.  Then when partner #1 returned, they would switch, partner #2 would take the block while partner #1 would pick up where partner #2 left off on the LAGS.

Farmer Carry Merkins / LAGS

#1 Farmer Carry Merkins

  • Block in right hand jog (or walk) to end of parking lot
  • 20 Block Merkins
  • Block in left hand jog (or walk) to back to PAX working on the LAGS


  • 200 – LBCs
  • 200 – American Hammers
  • 200 – Gas Pumps
  • 200 – Squats

Since time was running low an audible was called, instead of performing a full set of Ripkens, we opted for ½ set of Ripkens to get the heart rate elevated:

½ Ripkens

5 suicides in 5 minutes.  1 minute per suicide, starting each suicide at the minute mark.


To conclude the beatdown the PAX then gathered center parking lot to perform a round of:

Flash Dance Hammers (clockwise)

Banjo Bears (counter clockwise)



Saturday, February 16, 2019 is the SuperHero 5K race, if you haven’t signed up yet, do so soon, we are trying to get a large F3 group, shooting for 50 F3 participants:


Defib is in the process of getting a solid 3rd F group(s) going for the Sarasota guys.  If you are interested in developing your ‘Faith’, please get a hold of Defib for more information.

Prayers for:

  • Lonestar group going out into the community and witnessing this Saturday
  • Banjo’s daughter getting married this Saturday
  • Defib’s 3rd F


Love you guys! – Banjo