Breezy, low humidity,73 degrees FRIDAY….. Whaaaaat?

Condition Awesome ….. 73 degrees and low humidity. Mozi We ran the bridge w the usual stuff….. Nur, kerioke,High knees, and butt kickers Warm up SSH, Swimmers, arm circles, imperial walkers, merkins and bad back stretches. The Thang We broke into two groups and set out to run 1 mile stopping every quarter of a mile …

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Conditions: 80 and humid…. getting so old. Another 3-weeks of nasty.  And yet we posted 16+. Mozi usual lap around bridge w Nur, kerioke, high knees and butt kickers Warmup SSH, Strawberry pickers, Phelps, arm circles and bad back stretches. We did some 20 yard sprints on the football count.  This pax group was too tired to …

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No Man Left Behind

Temperature:  felt pretty good outside today Pax:  Goob, Bing (for a while), Ripken (for a while), Pincher, Big Mac, Sniper, Brutus, Lambeau, Wilson, Cottontail, Deep Dish, Trump, Bubbles, ShamWow, Wolverine, Posh, Flip, Goose At 5:15am, the 5 core principles were stated and the mozy started.  During the two lap mozy, the Pax did high knees, …

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At Least There Weren’t Any Coupons

Date: 9-16-2019 QIC: Manziel Pax; Aquaman, Big Mac, Bubbles, Deep Dish, Goob, Lambeau, Manziel, ShamWow, Sir Wallace, Wilson, Young Buck Weather: 77 degrees, 100% humidity (110% if you count the mosquitoes) After the physical destruction that was last week’s Iron Pax challenge, YHC figured out that bringing coupons to today’s beatdown would be met with …

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The “Leg-Tona 500”

QIC: Smudge 5 Pax in Attendance: Prime Time, Tinker Toy, Sherpa, Tar Heal, and Smudge Weather: 81 and Easy BREEZY ! The only Place in Florida where you get a “West Coast Sun Rise” Mozy: 1/3 mile run with High Knees, NUR, butt kickers, side shuffle, karaoke, lunges, and toy soldiers. Circle of Pain:Now have …

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Revenge of the Coupon

QIC: Chilipepper 20 Pax in attendance.  Rowdy, LG, McNugget, Lambo, Manzel, Aqua Man, Drake, Wallburger, 8Ball, Brutus, Pincher, Scrum, BigMac, Trump, Sir Walice, Spaky, Dash and welcome Goliath, and Skimmer Weather: 82, humid and coupons! Week 2 of IronPax Challenge!  Impressed by the PAX and the effort put forth.  Some alternative coupons were provided along …

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Don’t let the smiles fool you

Weather:  breezy and delightful (for Florida in September) Pax in Attendance:  Backdraft, Banjo, BigMac, Bing, ChiliPepper, Condenser, Clutch, Diesel, Goob, Manziel, Mr. Clean, Pincher, Ripken, ShamWow, Steel, Trane, Trump, Wilson, Wolverine.   This was not your normal Friday beatdown.  The weather was cool, cinder blocks lay scatter about, and a tower taunted us in the …

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