No Man Left Behind

Temperature:  felt pretty good outside today

Pax:  Goob, Bing (for a while), Ripken (for a while), Pincher, Big Mac, Sniper, Brutus, Lambeau, Wilson, Cottontail, Deep Dish, Trump, Bubbles, ShamWow, Wolverine, Posh, Flip, Goose

At 5:15am, the 5 core principles were stated and the mozy started.  During the two lap mozy, the Pax did high knees, butt kickers, carioca right, carioca left, and a brief nur.  In the circle, the Pax performed 15 SSH in cadence, 15 strawberry pickers, 20 Michael Phelps, arm circles, and some quad stretching.  From there, everyone was instructed to grab their water bottles and head to the tennis courts.

The Thang:  Once on the tennis courts, the beatdown was laid out for the Pax.  Each person would have the opportunity to pick their poison from the card deck of pain.  20 cards with a prescribed exercise on each would be performed until a minimum of 25 reps were complete.  But rather than racing through the exercise and moving onto the next, members were instructed to continue past 25 (if necessary) until their brothers completed the exercise as well.  Thus, leave no man behind.  If that meant doing 40 merkins or 32 burpees, so be it.  We each have our weaknesses; some are better at legs, some prefer merkins.  Either way, brothers don’t leave each other behind.  We support the 6 to the end.

We moved from one corner of the tennis court to the next.  Oh yea, one fun surprise.  At any moment, YHC could yell for a “Sudden Change” which would lead the Pax to the basketball court for suicides or wind sprints.  All told, we ran 4 complete suicides and 12 wind sprints in between at least 25 of each of these fun exercises:

  • American Hammer
  • Low, Slow Squat
  • Alternating Side Squat
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Plank Jacks
  • Burpees
  • Hand-Release Merkins
  • Calf Raises
  • Lil Baby Crunches
  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Heels to Heaven
  • Hand Clap Merkin (only 10)
  • Jumping Lunge
  • SSH

The moral of the story today was, we have an incredible brotherhood, small group, accountability team, and/or support network.  We do a solid job of leaving no brother behind- let’s keep going strong.


-State Farm Clay Shoot to benefit youth development, Nov 2nd, $100/person


  • Bubbles wife’s pregancy
  • Dasani’s wife’s pregnancy
  • Mr. Clean’s family
  • Rowdy and his family
  • Lambeau’s family
  • Bing, Ripken, and all others in the Tri this weekend


As always men, it was an honor to lead today.