Block Rock Saturday


The Clearwater Pax started promptly at 7 am with 9 Pax. We began with a quick introduction of the F3 principles and disclaimer.

To start, we broke out into a quick warm-up Mozy around the block and back to the turf. During the mozy, we infused the jog with carioca, high knees and nur, and then went into formation of an Indian Run for two rounds of rotating leaders to finish the mozy.

On the turf, we started with a few warm-up exercises:

  • Side Straddle Hops x 25 IC
  • Don Quixote (Windmills) x 15 IC
  • Strawberry Pickers x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 15 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
  • Monkey Humpers x 20 on your own

We then hit the basketball court for a round of suicides across the court a few times.

Next, another brief mozy to the shaded portion of the park, in formation with Dirt Dart calling out his famous Army cadence chant (something about his Grandma?).

At the Shade Park, we took on 2 semi-rigorous rounds of exercises that included some play time with bricks and cinder blocks:

  • Overhead block lifts x 5
  • Brick curls x 10
  • Al Gore x 10
  • Lunge walking x 10 per leg
  • Daniel-Son x 5 per leg

After a brief recovery, we then returned to the turf by Mozy to our next segment of 7 of Diamonds

  • Merkins (7)
  • Flutter Kicks (14)
  • LBC (21)
  • Arm Circles (28)
  • Freddy Mercury (21)
  • Squats (14)
  • Smurf Jacks (7)

Next, we entered the shelter of picnic tables for 2 rounds of run around the tables:

  • Carolina Dry Docks (15)
  • Dips on bench seats (15)
  • Step-ups on bench seats (10)
  • Diamond Merkins (10)

After another brief recovery, we went for our final mozy back to our starting point for a brief round of Mary to include Round the World (15), Squats (15), Strawberry Pickers (15) and Kick Ups (10).

To conclude, we circled up for the Circle of Trust (1 FNG who is now ‘Little League’, 1 Knoxville Pax and 7 Clearwater Pax), name-a-rama, prayer requests and prayer.