At Least There Weren’t Any Coupons

Date: 9-16-2019

QIC: Manziel

Pax; Aquaman, Big Mac, Bubbles, Deep Dish, Goob, Lambeau, Manziel, ShamWow, Sir Wallace, Wilson, Young Buck

Weather: 77 degrees, 100% humidity (110% if you count the mosquitoes)

After the physical destruction that was last week’s Iron Pax challenge, YHC figured out that bringing coupons to today’s beatdown would be met with nasty mumble chatter (best case scenario) or outright mutiny (worst case scenario). So instead, pax got the Board of Pain.

We started with the F3 mission statement, core principles and disclaimer (taken seriously this time since we had an FNG on board), followed by a mozi with butt kickers, high knees, nur and carioca x2. It was then off to the echo chamber for a COP with SSH, strawberry pickers, windmills, moroccan nightclubs and imperial walkers.

Time to reveal the Board of Pain. As usual, exercises were place into groups of 2. Do the first 2, run to the white poles on the shell path and do 10 monkey humpers, then run back. Then go back to the top of the board, do the first 2 and the next 2, run back to the poles for more monkey humpers, and so on until the whole board was complete. Here’s what was on the Board:

  • 40x Mountain climbers
  • 40x LBCs
  • 30x Shoulder taps
  • 30x Plank jacks
  • 20x Carolina drydocks
  • 20x Freddie Mercury
  • 20x Lunges (counting both legs)
  • 20x Evander Holyfields (counting both arms)
  • 10x Jack Webb (counting up from 1 if you had time)
  • 10x Captain Thors (counting up from 1 if you had time)

So, lots of core exercises with the arms getting a break until Jack Webb showed up. If nothing else, I’m a benevolent dictator type of Q, or something like that. Mumble chatter was at a minimum, except for Big Mac telling the Q how awesome the workout was (although in fairness, this happened well before the end).

After name-o-rama, we had an FNG to name. A few good ideas were floated before we decided on Young Buck, who’s only 19 so that name should suit him well for a while. Credit to Sir Wallace for the EH.


  • Nobody wants to think about it but Iron Pax week 3 is upon us
  • Next Ronald McDonald volunteer opportunity in December
  • We haven’t launched a new location in like a week – what’s taking so long?

Praises & Prayer requests:

  • Bubbles for a continuing good pregnancy for his M
  • Troops, firefighters, police & first responders
  • Injured pax

In the end, a good time was had by all. Well, maybe not a good time, but it wasn’t as miserable as Saturday. That’s progress.