Don’t let the smiles fool you

Weather:  breezy and delightful (for Florida in September)

Pax in Attendance:  Backdraft, Banjo, BigMac, Bing, ChiliPepper, Condenser, Clutch, Diesel, Goob, Manziel, Mr. Clean, Pincher, Ripken, ShamWow, Steel, Trane, Trump, Wilson, Wolverine.


This was not your normal Friday beatdown.  The weather was cool, cinder blocks lay scatter about, and a tower taunted us in the background.  Pax verbalized their curiosity over whom the Q was for the day.  Pax also verbalized their lack of desire to utilize the cinder blocks in sight.  At 5:15 sharp, the Q emerged as none other than Goob.  He had a special beatdown in store for those not participating in the IronPax week 3 challenge so graciously hosted by ChiliPepper.  Goob spotted an FNG whom was already provided with the nickname Pence as a result of being EH’d by Trump.  Would the name stick?

The group welcomed the FNG and Goob explained the 5 core principles prior to a short mozy around the parking lot.  1 lap followed by 10 SSH in cadence, 10 Strawberry Picker’s in cadence, 10 agitators, 10 Michael Phelps, and finally arm circles was all the time they had.  Every member was then given 2 options- participate in the IronPax week 3 challenge or follow Goob down to the base of the tower.  As it turns out, we all made the wrong choice.

At the base of the tower, instructions were given for the gloom’s Dora run.  As prescribed, everyone broke into teams of 2 and performed the following exercises-

  • 100 Big Boy Situps
  • 200 Merkins
  • 300 Salsa Dips

While one partner performed the exercises, the other was to go the top of the tower with haste where a special surprise of 5 burpees awaited.  Once done, the team member ran to the bottom to provide relief.  Round 2 brought more of the same pain and suckery.

  • 100 LBC’s
  • 200 Tricep dips on the stairs
  • 300 Imperial Walkers

As for those dumb enough to tackle the IronPax, ChiliPepper had explained the exercises and their proper form by the time Goob had returned.  As prescribed and utilizing the cinder block for every exercise-

  • 10 Manmakers
  • 20 Overhead Press
  • 30 Cinder Block swings
  • 40 Goblet squats
  • 50 Incline merkins on cinder block
  • 1600 meter run
  • Repeat exercises above
  • 1200 meter run
  • Repeat exercises above
  • 800 meter run
  • Repeat exercises above
  • 400 meter run

At 6:05 (and late), the Pax had meandered their way back from the tower and were watching the fun with cinder blocks.  Goob finished his third round and quit the challenge, thus being disqualified.  He needed to get a name for the FNG, complete the COT, and have folks get on with their day.  Meanwhile, Ripken, Mr. Clean, ChiliPepper, and BigMac continued pursuit of IronPax completion.  Our FNG is from Michigan, is in digital marketing, loves praise and worship, and is also a Preacher.  All of this information (and forgetting the aforementioned Pence), let us welcome Wolverine to our brotherhood.

Announcements-  Dec 17th Ronald McDonald House

Praise-  the beautiful gloom and ability to workout with friends

Prayers-  Rowdy and his family, Lambeau’s family as they place his mother in a LTC facility next week, all the Pax struggling with mental health, injuries, and otherwise.

*newly added prayer as I type from Recall-  Christine Griffith and her two children as they grieve, cope, and try to understand their new reality


A special thanks to ChiliPepper again for assisting with the IronPax and congrats to the four who completed the challenge.  As Mr. Clean said, “Don’t let the smiles fool you, it sucked.”  Fellas, it’s always an honor to lead for an hour.