Trump VC

Trump meets YHC at residence to get fitted for a loaner. I take off out the driveway to hear a little mumble chatter coming from behind, guess it was a crash course on how to ride a bike again for Trump after many years away. We were off to meet the Pax as YHC gave …

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Mind The Queen

Weather: near perfect. Upper-50s, light breeze, dew point 52F. Pre-Run: YHC had some things to place throughout NBP, so the pre-6 had to be modified early by taking the pre-runners on a bit of a journey. Luckily, Rowdy EH’d an FNG at a baseball game the day before, so the FNG posted for the pre-6 while, ironically, …

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The Grand Slam of Beatdowns

Weather: 61 and dark (but for some reason, not as dark as last Monday) After last Monday, it’s rather amazing that 14 pax showed up for today, made even more impressive by the fact that YHC has nowhere near the production skills of Recall – never easy to follow that guy. But they showed up, …

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Double Dora with a Cowboy Split

Perfect weather in the low 60’s for the 16 PAX Mosey High-knees Butt-kickers Karaoke Toy Soldiers Circled Up: Strawberry Pickers (1 minute) Side Straddle Hops (1:30 minutes) Moroccan Night Clubs (2:00 minutes) Mumbling was a rumbling, YHC reminded McNugget to keep those young arms up, 😉 Thang: Dora 1 with partner and 500 meter laps 100 …

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What’s a salsa dip?

Weather: 66, dark and lots of fog There are now 3 certainties in life: death, taxes and Monday F3 beatdowns turning into a complete gong show. At least this morning it took awhile to get there, but the hi-jinx carried over after the workout this time. Turns out that it was a good thing that …

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QSource | Q1.2 King

QSource | Q1.2 King Weather | 76° F | Humidity 69% | Wind: 10mph SE 11 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. This morning we continued the first quadrant Get Right with Q1.2: King. Q1.2| King Statement The Daily Discipline of Physically Training The Body Scripture 1 Corinthians 9:25-27 (NIV) Everyone who competes in the …

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Weather: 65F with very little wind (no complaints here) After a nice pre-run (3 miles, fellowship pace) with Gridlock and and FNG (Shamrock) we went though a nice beatdown and benefited from sharing 1 hour with other HIM. This was so worth it! Warm Up: The pax may be feeling those hip flexors tomorrow. Mosey …

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Salty Salsa Breakfast Bump and Run

With Severe Storms just north of us lighting up the skies we started of with our Core Principles and Disclaimers before our Mosy Mosy began with a couple of loops around the parking lot doing butt kickers, karaokes and nur’s. We circled up for for some SSH’s , strawberry pickers and Imp walkers. The Thang …

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QSource | Q1 Get Right

QSource | Q1 Get Right Weather | 70° F | Humidity 93% | Wind: 5mph E 5 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. Ripken was solo at AP, nonetheless enjoyed a lively discussion with nature about leadership. Thanks Ripken for manning the Pavilion! Even if you have never posted to a 3rd F study before, …

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