What’s a salsa dip?

Weather: 66, dark and lots of fog

There are now 3 certainties in life: death, taxes and Monday F3 beatdowns turning into a complete gong show. At least this morning it took awhile to get there, but the hi-jinx carried over after the workout this time.

Turns out that it was a good thing that YHC took the core principles and disclaimers a little more seriously than usual in spite of there being no FNGs. We started with a mozi going down the road to the dog park with the usual butt kickers, high knees, carioca and nur mixed in. Once we got there, it was time to circle up and do the CoP with side straddle hops, imperial walkers, strawberry pickers, windmills and mountain climbers. After that, we split up into 2 lines and did an Indian Run back up to the parking lot, grabbed our drinks and headed to the Echo Chamber.

A little background: at last month’s 2nd F at Pincher’s (the restaurant, not his house) Bing and I were attempting to EH an FNG when Bing told him that the best thing about F3 is the Manziel Board of Pain. OK, those might not have been his exact words, but that’s clearly a reasonable interpretation of whatever he did say. Being a man of the people, I decided that this would be the day to bring the Board back.

As usual with the Board, this was a stack, with a total of 10 exercises separated into groups of 2. You do the first 2 exercises, run somewhere and back, then do the first 2 and the next 2, run again, then do the first 3 sets of 2, and so on until you get to the end. This time, the exercises were as follows:

  • 25x Flutter Kicks
  • 20x American Hammers (count one side)
  • 25x Drydocks
  • 20x Plank Jacks
  • 25x Merkins
  • 20x Lunges (10 each leg)
  • 25x Freddie Mercury
  • 20x Shoulder taps (count one arm)
  • 25x LBCs
  • 20x Step ups (10 each leg)

In between sets, the pax were instructed to run to the white poles on the shell path and once there, do 10 salsa dips (we used to call these squats, but that was one the casualties of – you guessed it – last Monday).

Once that was done, YHC introduced the pax to a new exercise, called the big boy burpee. The idea is, you hit the ground like you’re starting a burpee, but then roll over and do a big boy sit up, then roll back over and complete the burpee. Pax were instructed to do 5 of these on their own. Somehow, this wound up being one of the highlights of the day. Luckily, the completion of this happened to coincide with 6:00 because a Round of Mary would have probably turned into a disaster. As it was, we had a couple of pax (one in the beatdown, one in the post-run) take headers on some uneven portions of Greenbrook sidewalks but fortunately, as they said in the days of King Arthur, it’s just a flesh wound.


  • 2nd Anniversary convergence, March 30 at LWR Adventure Park
  • Sup & Run, May 25

Praises & Prayer Requests:

  • Good news for Bing’s sister (and coincidentally, ShamWow’s daughter) Deborah on a speedy recovery
  • Goob’s job search
  • Wilson’s grandfather, age 90, in the hospital
  • Police, troops, firefighters


OK, I know that the post-run isn’t normally part of the backblast, but this one deserves attention because it turned into the F3 version of Animal Thunderdome. We had a nice group of 5 (YHC, Bing, Pincher, Trump and Thor) head out into the dark. Along the way, we very nearly ran over a few frogs, a rat, some squirrels and some bunnies. I guess the animals aren’t observing daylight savings time…should probably check with Papa Smurf regarding this. To top it all off, we were nearly run over by some knob speeding out of my neighborhood (where else?) as we went past the entrance. Obviously, once whoever it was stopped thanks to some hard braking, we spaced out and took our good old time getting across. I’m pretty certain it wasn’t the same sad clown who yelled at us last Monday.

Bonus F5 report:

My M, who noticed me putting the Board of Pain yesterday but clearly didn’t read it, asked to borrow it for this morning’s 9 am F5 workout. She didn’t just borrow the list of exercises, she borrowed the Board itself. At around 9:05, she calls with only one question: “What’s a Salsa Dip?”