Manziel’s Not-So-Gloomy Beatdown

Weather: 65 and WHO STOLE ALL THE HUMIDITY? By now, we’re used to strange things happening at any beatdown with YHC as the Q, but nobody was prepared for this. As we pulled up to Adventure Park, we found that no one had bothered to turn out the lights in the pavilion from the big …

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Lions Pride Block and Card Party

Muggy and foggy 68 degrees First up was our Ruck with Condensor, Clutch and Snapshot.  We had a good discussion about Preparedness for 45 minutes, logging 2.89 miles. With 11 men making it out of the fartsack we began promptly at 7:00. No FNG, so quick core principles and mosy around Audubon building to the …

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Ups and Downs

Weather – 61 and extremely pleasant. Confession:  YHC had serious thoughts of Fartsacking on this fine gloom, and the excuse was a later than usual evening with friends and the Triathlon this weekend…but having received texts from Coop the day prior, ending with “see you tomorrow”, I didn’t want to let him down…as I entered …

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19 on a Friday!!!?

Conditions great morning, 58 degrees and clear Mozi   We ran one lap around bridges with the regular stuff… Nur, high knees,butt kickers, kerioke Warm up SSHops, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Strawberry Pickers and Bad Back Stretches! FNG Tower Run Of coarse with any FNG in attendance a Jailbreak run to the top is required!  Soooo, up and …

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The 3:44 Workout

Weather: 60 and cloudy The good news is that this week got off to a much better start than last week, owing to the fact that Bing didn’t ride a bike yesterday. So there’s that. After a brief disclaimer and reading of the core principles, we took a mozi down the road to the dog …

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BQ Fail — Marathon Mania

Weather – mid-40s with an ominous 5-mph breeze and low humidity. Perfect. Pre-Run — YHC, Bing, Ripken and FNG Excalibur were down for what turned-out to be a 6-mile pre-run. The pax circled-back to the parking lot to snag any would-be 3-miles, but all others chose a bit more of the shartsack. So, run we did. As …

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Christmas Eve 18′ – Reindeer Games

Twas’ the morning before Christmas and all through the park the animals were curious, “who are these nuts running in the dark”!  Despite the time and to hell with the cold, this was a beat down only for the bold. 4 extra brave souls arrived early to run before we ran, only injuring 1 brave …

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Equipping Our Coxswain — Sledgehammer Edition

Weather – low-50s with tropical storm force gales (clocked a 57 mph gust during CoT) and sideways rain to start. Almost ideal conditions for the crazies… Pre-Run — since it was a perfect morning for a 5-mile pre-run, YHC, Bing and a nip-laden Ripken headed around the Benderson horn promptly at 0440. In between wind gusts of 40-50 …

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