Christmas Eve 18′ – Reindeer Games

Twas’ the morning before Christmas and all through the park the animals were curious, “who are these nuts running in the dark”!  Despite the time and to hell with the cold, this was a beat down only for the bold. 4 extra brave souls arrived early to run before we ran, only injuring 1 brave man!  While the early elves ran, Rowdy the elf got the echo chamber ready for the final game, but that’s for later oh what a shame.  The 11 brave elves began on time, except for 1 who was 6 mins behind and had to do 6 punishment Burpees before getting in line. The Reindeer Run was where we began, with a Burpee to be done by each and every man. Without delay over the bridge and down to the lake for a Reindeer 300 Relay, with Murkins and Air Squats being the exercises of the day. Now we were warm and ready for fun but not before another Reindeer Run!  This time we did The Weave, or in Reindeer talk the “don’t get shot Serpentine”!  Now to the Echo Chamber for the final spin…”The Great Elf Tire Push” was about to begin! 5 on one side, 5 on the other with Mr. Clean as the ref cuz elves don’t trust each other!  From left to right each elf gets his turn, burpee to SSH, not to hard to learn (you’d think!). Until the last elf on the far right side does burpee to dash straight for the tire, 1st elf there flips it to the other teams side like it’s on fire! Oh we played n laughed and some of the elves got excited taking the game off the beaten path.  With only 8 mins left “oh what should we do” but decline Murkin Jerk, boo hoo! With 2 mins left what have we forgot, get on yer 6 for LBC’s n make yer guts not!  “We made it” all the elves cheered and for making it out we’re all winners this year!  That was Reindeer Games 18′! Thanks for comn out n playn along.  Hope y’all enjoyed it as much as I did. Merry Christmas Eve!


11 count

Praises- Mr. Clean is healing and able to come out at 75% capacity!

Prayer Requests- All traveling Pax, safe travels.  All injured Pax, healing and a speedy reunion with an AO soon.  Sham Wow, brother in law had a stroke- pray for healing and recuperation.  Jimmy Dean’s niece Katy- on her way to prison may she learn and grow from this as well as safety on the inside.  Banjo- mother had a major stroke and as an organ donor they’re keeping her on life support looking for donations. Let’s pray they find needy bodies soon and she can be released from her earthly body and be with God in Heaven and save some lives here!  For all those less fortunate may they find a hot meal and a warm bed and some fellowship tonite.  And as always for our brave 1st Responders around the nation, around the world and especially our guys Sniper, Zeus and Hercules. May you all be great in yer service and get home safe to yer loved ones.

Rowdy. F3. Respect

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