BLIMPS and new Lexicon

Weather: low 50s and perfect conditions

The morning started early for three pax, well 4 and an M who didn’t appreciate the 3:44 text by Ripken, but that is whole different story.  3:44, as responded by said pax member is now code for the middle finger – as it should be.

The Pax were eagerly awaiting the return of the three amigos out on a pre-run, little did they know, the pre-run was just a warm up for the running planned for the Weinke.  Disclaimer was shared and the pax were off for a mozy around the parking lot including Toy Soldiers, Nur, carioca x2, high knees and butt kickers.

COP included SSH x20 IC, Windmills x10 IC, LBCs x10 IC and Homer to Marge x10 IC.  Without wasting any more time, it was time to head out to Greenbrook Blvd to explain how the pax were going to execute a round of blimps.  The outer streets of the school equals 1-mile.  At each corner and then the start and finish point, we did the following in order.

  1. Burpees x10
  2. Burpees x10, Lunge Walk x20
  3. Burpees x10, Lunge Walk x20, Imperial Walkers x30
  4. Burpees x10, Lunge Walk x20, Imperial Walkers x30, Merkins x40
  5. Burpees x10, Lunge Walk x20, Imperial Walkers x30, Merkins x40, Plank Jacks x50
  6. Burpees x10, Lunge Walk x20, Imperial Walkers x30, Merkins x40, Plank Jacks x50, Squats x60

The pax pushed hard through the above, finishing in about 34 minutes, so we lined up for some Bear Crawl Inch Worm – Two lines of 6 pax in plank position with the last pax bear crawling to the front of the line.  Rinse and repeat.

With 7 minutes left, it was time for a round of Mary:

  • Ripscats (Mountain Man Shitterz) x10 IC
  • LBCs x10IC
  • Rope Climbers x10IC
  • Freddie Mercury x10IC
  • Burpess till the end

The Pax pushed hard all morning and made me proud to lead once again.


  • Rowdy – Juvenile Detention Outreach – get in touch with Rowdy to start background check
  • Races coming up – check newsletters
  • OneWord – Start thinking about, praying about and discussing with your shield lock your OneWord to describe 2019.  More details and info can be found by listening to this podcast:
    • This isn’t a word you can change mid-year, and has to be well thought out.  Start thinking and pondering NOW!


  • Dietz Texas family
  • Ripken’s Father and his health recovery
  • Praise for Wilson’s 2.0 and his sports success
  • Prayers for first responders and military

~Bing Out!