Lions Pride Block and Card Party

Muggy and foggy 68 degrees

First up was our Ruck with Condensor, Clutch and Snapshot.  We had a good discussion about Preparedness for 45 minutes, logging 2.89 miles.

With 11 men making it out of the fartsack we began promptly at 7:00. No FNG, so quick core principles and mosy around Audubon building to the east parking lot, including high knees and carioca. We then circled up for 20 each: SSH, strawberry pickers, and windmills.  Slatter threatened to change my name to Flacedance if we went any further.  So back around the building with Nur and carioca for merkins and something else, I cannot remember.


Time for the block and card party.  Each person grabbed two building blocks, five pounds each.  Once up mother hill it was time for block punisher 11’s.  Consisting of merkins and big boy sit ups with the blocks.  Mode of transportation was a 50 yard hike with blocks lifted straight out.

After the punisher it was time for the card party. Using a deck of cards for the reps and exercise we played thru the deck for two rounds.  Excersises consisted of:

♥️Hearts: Carolina Drydocks.
♦️Diamonds: Squats
♠️Spades: Shoulder Taps
♣️Clubs: Monkey Humpers

After each card drawn, a trip down mother hill was required.

After the card party we still had time for a COT consisting of overhead claps, gas pumpers, Freddie Mercury’s, SSH, mountain climbers.

We had some active lions today, as they added seven rounds of burpees, we all thanked them in our own way.

With our Qsource about Preparedness today, I brought up a podcast about a F3 member that had an episode while working out and unfortunately passed away.  The speaker said that even though we know each other, do we really know enough?  Which brought to mind my own heart situation.  I said that maybe we ought to have something each week in case something does happen to inform the first responders what the issue is.  Think about some ideas how we can be prepared if needed.

Jimmy Dean’s niece
Diesels wife’s upcoming surgery
All first responders

Iron Sharpens Iron conference
Race events

It was an honor to lead this group of men today.

Snapshot. ?

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