Ups and Downs

Weather – 61 and extremely pleasant.

Confession:  YHC had serious thoughts of Fartsacking on this fine gloom, and the excuse was a later than usual evening with friends and the Triathlon this weekend…but having received texts from Coop the day prior, ending with “see you tomorrow”, I didn’t want to let him down…as I entered the final stretch before the AO, I was curious to who was on Q..and sure enough, it was YHC!  Thankfully we had a 5+ mile pre-run ahead to plan the weinke, and great ideas came to mind.  Sure glad I didn’t Fartsack!!

Pre-runners (YHC, Mopar and Excalibur) returned to a full parking lot and were greeted with loads of mumble chatter and anticipation of what was ahead of them.

Disclaimer was shared and the mosey began, with Jimmy Dean sharing the 5 core principles via questions to the Q. Mosey included Nur, Carioca, High Knees, Butt Kickers and Toy Soldiers.  Instead of circling up deep into the parking lot, we circled up near the entrance of the parking lot for COP including:

  • Monkey Humpers x10 IC (of course, right?)
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • SSH x30 IC

After another short mosey to the valley between the hills (loosely called hills, but it’s Florida so you take what you can use).  It was time for hill repeats and a round of 11.  Starting in the valley, the pax would run up the hill and back. Once done with the exercise, they would run up the OTHER side of the hill.  Exercises included LBCs and Merkins.  While this was slightly longer than most round of 11s, the Pax pushed through the challenge of the hill climbs and got stronger because of it.  Lots of ups and downs on this one!

Next up was a mosey over towards the base of the tower, and it was time for more ups and downs.  One would think that means running the tower but not yet.  It was time for some Balls to the Walls.  Hold BTTW for 30 seconds and then recover.  Round 2 included Descending Testicles during BTTW (shoulder press).  Third round was a challenge to add 1-more rep of Descending Testicles to the BTTW than the previous round.  The pax pushed themselves and were catching their breath when the heard a familiar phrase of JAILBREAK!!!  Sprint to the top of the tower to experience more ups on this fine gloom.

Once at the top of the tower, we finished this great workout on top.  First up was a round of Peoples Chair (arms up, out, etc) while the pax bearcrawled the length of the top floor.  This repeated until all pax had their turn doing the bearcrawl.  Second was 10x Navy Seal Sit-ups.  Lock arms with your brother, facing the other line, and execute 10 big boy sit ups on the Q’s command.  Always a crowd favorite with lots of moaning.

Last was a round of Planking in two lines, in somewhat of a plank worm (lined up shoulder to shoulder instead of head to toe due to space constraints).  Once the first pax went down the tunnel of plankers, the pax shifted left and repeated this until all pax bearcrawled. Again, a great push for the pax.

With 3 minutes left, we had a few more ups and downs, literally, when LoneStar called for 10x Burpees in the round of Mary, followed by 20 American Hammers IC (thanks Manziel) and 10 single count merkins.

The Moleskin:

In life, we experience MANY ups and downs.  When we are on a high, we need to remember to give all thanks and praise to Sky Q.  This will help us to remain humble and realize the gifts are gifts from above.  More importantly, when we are suffering from any lows, this is when we need to turn to Sky Q for guidance, and turn to your brothers for support.  Way too many reports of suicide lately, and it is critical that we lean on our brothers for the support needed.  As men, we often fall into isolation and do not want to ask for help in fear of exposing our lack of MANLINESS.  This is NOT the answer.  A true High Impact Man (HIM) recognizes when he needs help and seeks help.  Reach out to a brother who might have fallen out of the routine, and ask “How are you” rather than “Where have you been”.  They might need this question far more than they need another emotional headlock (EH).  Aye!


  • T-Claps to the pax – we are sitting at 47 registrants for the Superhero 5k.
  • Night to Shine event at Bayside tonight – job assignments have been sent.  If you didn’t get one, show up anyway.
  • SUP and Run race in May
  • Shirt order – currently have 9 ordered, only need 3 more to make the order official.


  • For the family of the pax who committed suicide in NC.
  • For the family of Six Packs friend who lost their daughter to suicide earlier this week
  • For Goob and good news on the job front (prayers)
  • For Trump and finding the right people and place to plant his business
  • For the Galli family as they continue to transition into a new town.
  • Jimmy Dean’s sister in law struggling with life right now and the impact that has on the family.
  • Jimmy Dean’s niece.
  • First Responders and their safety
  • Injured Pax

It is always an honor to lead this great group of men.  F3 Suncoast is on a high right now, and it is important that we continue to give thanks for the gift we have been given.  I thank Sky Q for every one of you and thank you all for following me on this great journey!

Papa Smurf – You are a constant presence with the group and are a huge contributor to our success.  Thank you

Goob – The right opportunity will come, but keep pushing!  And man are you fast!!

Coop – I love the enthusiasm and am glad I applied the EH through your M!  Welcome to the Pax and keep it up brother!

Barron – It has been great getting to know to know you and I admire you for posting regularly!  It isn’t easy as a 13 yo, but you are a special 13 year old looking to strengthen themselves in all aspects of life.  Keep it up buddy!

Trump – Thanks for bring Barron along and for quickly dedicating yourself to the Pax!  Welcome to Sarasota!

Jimmy Dean – You are in a major transformation period and it’s great to watch!  Intermittent Fasting is making it’s impact.  Thank you for keeping me on point by sharing your thoughts with me, and thank you for being one of the first to thank me after a great Q!

Mopar – Love having you join us on the pre-runs and I look forward to getting to know you better.  And let’s get lunch on the calendar to talk marketing your business.

Mr. Clean – The best 1st F Q I could ever ask for.  Thanks for all of your support and thanks for pushing me!  Love having been a part of the new Mr. Clean who has become far more open in many ways, including your faith.

Zeus – Welcome back buddy.  Thanks for posting this morning!!

Hercules – the ever disappearing Hercules, size wise!  I still wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of a take down though!  Great work bud!

Excalibur – You are an inspiration to my running.  I’ll be gunning for you at the SuperHero run, but don’t wait for me at the finish!!

Clutch – a quiet presence (mostly).  I think I am still hurting from your Camden Q, but can’t remember what we did cause I haven’t seen the backblast yet!  I am still really impressed by you at Ragnar…jumping in last minute and going beast mode on the trails!

Brutus – It’s been great getting to workout with you on Fridays…and jumping into the pax so well!!  If I heard you correctly, I look forward to seeing you at more weekday or weekend beatdowns!!

LoneStar – another speedster of the pax! I commend you for sharing your faith, especially through your preaching. I meant to ask how your first time was a few weeks back?  I am sure you were awesome!

Splicer – Love having you out on Friday mornings and working out along side of you!  And I agree, your new nickname is far better than the first one!!

Manziel- I am glad you weren’t on Q this morning cause you always have a way of hurting me! In a good way of course.  Thanks for the leadership and for the conversations.  Aside from the Ohio State thing, I really enjoy your company!

Six Pack – your presence at the beatdowns stands tall! Always pushing yourself, even after the ankle injury.  Love having you out consistently!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!  ~Bing out!