A Pile of Cinder Blocks (AP – 1/12/2019)

Weather:  58 degrees and clear, a little dew 14 HIM, no FNG’s.  Several individual pre-runs and one fellowship pre-walk.  Disclaimer, 5 core principles and then we got to it. Pax started with a mosey of two laps around the parking lot.  Mixed in were butt kickers, high knees, nur and carioca x2.  Then, the pax …

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BQ Fail — Marathon Mania

Weather – mid-40s with an ominous 5-mph breeze and low humidity. Perfect. Pre-Run — YHC, Bing, Ripken and FNG Excalibur were down for what turned-out to be a 6-mile pre-run. The pax circled-back to the parking lot to snag any would-be 3-miles, but all others chose a bit more of the shartsack. So, run we did. As …

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Lions Pride-1/12/19

So…lot’s has happened since 8am so anything I forget I apologize! Rowdies 1st Q at Celery Fields/Lions Pride. In a late night, when ya gotta be up at 4am 8pm is late night, text with Bing we agreed to split the Q. Thanks to Bing being so tech savvy we had a virtual coinflip and …

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The 3 Amigos

Twas a Col Chilly morning in Sarasota for the Gloom. A Brisk 42 degrees as Lonestar left his house on his way to Marina Jack for the workout! Many people could not brave the cold except for Slater and Clutch (which good thing we started at 5:16 for his sake)   Did a little warm …

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The World’s Most Painful Slurpee

Weather: 55 degrees, clear, and really, really dark Right as the clock struck 5:15, Bing decided to inform the pax that his ass hurt – apparently, too much time on the bike yesterday. It was at this point that Chili’s habit of showing up at 5:16 all of a sudden seemed brilliant, especially for someone …

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Saturday 1/5/19 full body double team

For those who missed, you missed out.  For those who posted, we salute you.  Saturday mornings aren’t s’posed to be like this, or so you were told.  Rowdy n Drake teamed up secretly the Friday before and devised a full body interval workout to breakdown the walls of human perception, all without injuring anyone!  We …

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