Lions Pride-1/12/19

So…lot’s has happened since 8am so anything I forget I apologize!

Rowdies 1st Q at Celery Fields/Lions Pride. In a late night, when ya gotta be up at 4am 8pm is late night, text with Bing we agreed to split the Q. Thanks to Bing being so tech savvy we had a virtual coinflip and Rowdy won, I’ll take closer.

6am- Fellowship Ruck with Kotter, Clutch, Slater, Rowdy n Snapshot.

7am- Bing opened with 5 core principals and we mozy, up hill mozy featuring Nur, Karaoke, Butt Kickers n High Knees.  Circle up top for some warmup featuring SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Windmills, Plank, Mt. Climbers, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters and Planks.  Dora! 100 Squats, 200 LBC’s, 300 Overhead Claps n a sprint down n up Grandmother Hill.

7:30- Rowdy get’s whats left of em’. Circle up for Rowdy Says! Upper Body featuring Murkins, Carolina Dry Docks n Moroccan Night Clubs. Got 4 not waiting for Rowdy to say…4 Super Burpees each. Core featuring Big Boy Situps, All Mighty Thors n Planks.  Got 1 not waiting for Rowdy to say. 4 Super Burpees. Lower body featuring Jump Squats, Forward Lunges n Backward Lunges. Y’all finally learned, no Super Burpees.  Round’a Mary, sorry y’all I cannot remember who ordered what except for Bing who picked sprint Mother Hill, FNG called 20 Burpees but gave up n made us do 15 to his 10! (hence his F3 name BP20?) n XRay wanted to charge Mother Hill as well (never saw it comn).

8am- Down the hill for C.O.T.

Count O Rama

Name O Rama- Welcome 2 FNG’s Halfpipe (used to skateboard) and BP20? (cuz he likes Burpees till he doesn’t)

Announcements- Races (Bridge A Life 5k, Gator Wilderness 15k, Tri Yer Heart), Jan 25th Bayside Mens Nite, Night to Shine n Rowdies Juvenile Bootcamp.

Prayer Requests- Lonestar n Splicers Grandmother passed, prayers for the family-injured pax, heal n git back, our brave 1st responders.

Gentlemen I enjoyed my first post n Q at Celery Fields/Lions Pride. Thank you Bing for splittn with me. I hope you enjoyed yerselves. Welcome Halfpipe n BP20?, hope y’all keep comn. If I forgot anyone or anything I apologize it was 15 hours ago. G’nite.

F3. Respect