Saturday 1/5/19 full body double team

For those who missed, you missed out.  For those who posted, we salute you.  Saturday mornings aren’t s’posed to be like this, or so you were told.  Rowdy n Drake teamed up secretly the Friday before and devised a full body interval workout to breakdown the walls of human perception, all without injuring anyone!  We also did it with one very brief text where we decided to each bring a full body workout.  “I love it when a plan comes together”!


7am- Greeting, 5 core principals and liability give away.

7:05am- Stretch- Arm Circles, Strawberry Pickers, Wind Mills and Washing Machines.

7:10- Warm up- 2 lap Mozy with Butt Kickers, High Knees, Nur and Karaoke facing both ways right onto the track for a Burpee Indian Run to The Bridge n back.

7:20am- Echo Chamber- Metallica and Rowdies Dirty Dozen! (aka short distance intervals)- 12 Burpees, 12 Carolina Dry Docks, 12 LBC’s, 12 Lunges n Sprint to the other side to do the same -1 rep. Repeat till 0. Plank, Burpee or LBC till 6 is in.  Nice n simple.


7:35am- Distance Interval Training- In support of Gridlocks race to qualify for the Boston Marathon we ran the 26.2 ourselves, divided between 15 men which broke down to 1.62 miles a’piece with Fun Stops along the way…Fun Stop 1) 27 (26.2 rounded up for Gridlock) Murkins, 2) 27 Squats, 3) 27 Mt. Climbers, 4) 27 Plank Jacks, 5) 27 SSH’s and 6) 27 Imperial Walkers.

7:55am- Echo Chamber- Round’a Mary

8:00am- Facebook Live Shoutout to Gridlock

8:02am- C.O.T-Countdown, Name O’Rama, Announcements, Prayer Requests n a beautiful prayer by Drake.

Announcements- 2019 Ragnar Run See, speak, txt or call Ripken (1 team spoken for, 2nd team being formed), 2019 Tri Yer Heart Triathlon (Super Bowl Sunday, wer lookn for a presence), Rowdies Juvenile Bootcamp/Mentoring Program see, speak, txt or call Rowdy 941-548-8941 n Chillipepper got himself a job!

Prayer Requests- Healing for Recalls n Cara’s friend Christine n her 3 children after the death of the husband/father, Tex’s wife is mourning the loss of her father, Smudge’s ex-father in law passed, Drake’s friends family after the death of his friend, all injured Pax may they heal n return, all those in need may they find it and last but never least the brave First Responders around the world with special care for our big 3 Sniper, Zeus and Hercules.  Father may you please be with the hurting, help lighten the loads of the needy and provide safety for those who protect us. Please Lord, keep us under Yer wing and close to Yer heart. In Jesus name, Amen.

F3. Respect