The 3 Amigos

Twas a Col Chilly morning in Sarasota for the Gloom.

A Brisk 42 degrees as Lonestar left his house on his way to Marina Jack for the workout!

Many people could not brave the cold except for Slater and Clutch (which good thing we started at 5:16 for his sake)


Did a little warm up before we Mosey.

  • SSH – 25
  • Moracan – 20
  • Arm Circles


  • Mosey to the bridge
  • Burpee Circle (I guess triangle since you cant make a circle with 3) – High Knees until your turn to do a burpee – 15
  • Ab Circle – 6 exercise for 30 seconds each – each person picked 2
  • Run to top of the bridge – Sprint to light pole, jog to next light pole, sprint to next etc…..
  • reverse to bottom of the bridge – sprint, jog, sprint to the park under bridge

The THANG (4x5x30) – 4 rounds of 5 exercises for 30 seconds each – I set a timer that would go for 30 seconds, do a 10 seconds break (to get to the next exercise spot) and then back to 30 etc….. The goal of each exercise for the 30 seconds was to do the hardest variation until you could, then if need be go to an easier variation as need be…..push yourself!

  • Merkins (start with decline, to regular, to knee pushups if need be…..I needed it!)
  • Split Squat Jumps (Split Squat Jumps (kinda a jumping lunge type thing), jump squats, regular squats if need be)
  • Bench Dips (Legs straight, get closer to body as need be)
  • Inverted Bodyweight rows (Bring legs closer as need be)
  • Bicep ISO hold on a bar haha not sure if this has a name, but a killer bicep blaster!

Repeat 4 times

 (Got a picture of Slater doing the Inverted Rows!)


Mosey back to the start!

Good work 3 amigos!