VQ hotpocket at NBP 9/3/2019

Warm up was a quick mosie around the parking lot. Then a ring of mary. The thang Everyone grabbed 2 gallons of water then proceded to complet as many rounds as possible of 5 burpees water to over head.  10 lunges each leg holding the gallon jug of water and 20 squats holding the gallon …

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Olympus welcomes Griswold back!

Weather: a fresh 82F with very little wind (no complaints here) Woke up Griswold at 6:15am (cousin visiting from F3Houston) and head out to AP. He got his name at Greenbrook park 2 years ago when he was visiting from Uruguay back then. It was great to have him come back where it started for …

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IronPax Week 0

Weather:  81F, Humid (it’s Florida!) QIC: Chilipepper PAX in attendance:  Mr. Clean, Deep Dish, Steal, Manziel, Props, Bubbles, Bing, Big Mac, Goob, Hercules, Dasani, Trump, Puck, Ace, Papa Smurf, Sterling, Train, Lancelot 19 Pax for Today’s AO target, completing week 0 of the IronPax Challenge.   If you haven’t you can still register at https://f3greenwood.com/ironpax-form/. After …

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$5 Footlongs

Date: 8/28/2019 Weather: 79 degrees, way too humid QIC: Manziel Pax: Big Mac, Bing, Brutus, Bubbles, Chili Pepper, Cottontail, Dasani, Gator, Goob, Lancelot, Manziel, Mr. Clean, Olympus, Posh, ShamWow, Sniper, Trump Today’s theme was a combination of our favorite things in F3: food and historical events. Because it was on this day in 1965 that …

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4th and Goal at NBP

Football season is among us gentlemen! 81 degrees….fall is in the air Warm up Started out with a little mosey Circled up, counted off – 17 men accounted for-1FNG SSH  -21 reps Strawberry Pickers – 14 reps squats – 14 reps windmills – 14 reps arm circles mosey down to the base of the tower …

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no matter how i try still no fatalities!

Weather (for those that showed): 78, muggy! QIC: Rowdy PIA: Lancelot, Dasani, Train, Props, Brutus, Clutch, Steel, Goob, BIG mac, Ace, Rowdy 5:15am: 5 core principals 5:16am: Dynamic Stretching (10 arm circles each direction, 10 Michael Phelps, 10 Agitators) 5:20am: Warm up mozy with 3 stops for some Big Sexy! (IK-10 Pickle Pointers, 10 Monkey …

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’twas a day for PR’s n i don’t mean Puerto Ricans!

weather: 77 and humid. wonderful conditions for the work at hand. QIC: Rowdy PIA: CottonTail, Sham WOW, Lambeau, Deep Dish, GOOB, BING!, Crab Cakes n Rowdy What went down: You’d know if you’d showed but…BING!, GOOB, Deep Dish n Crab Cakes went out for the long haul achieving 6+ miles with an impressive 7:55 pace …

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