Best law abiding and plain peachy fun in DTSP

The weather was muggy and 79, but overall sunny and perfect for this morning’s session in DTSP. This was a vQ for both #Law and Peach Fuzz.

A total of 9 showed up ready to get after it!

A quick disclaimer and F3 Principles were shared:

  • Free to all
  • Open to all men
  • Always takes place, whether sun, rain, heat or cold
  • Led by volunteers (not professionals) in a rotating fashion

The warm-up was as follows:

  1. SSH ICx15
  2. Windmills ICx15
  3. Imperial Walkers ICx15
  4. Toy Soldiers ICx15
  5. Monkey Humpers x15
  6. Arm Circles x15
  7. Mountain Kickers ICx15
  8. Alabama Ass Kickers ICx15

The Pax then participated in a brief Mozy to the north end of the park slow jog, and including into the jog some high-knees, butt-kickers, and Karaoke facing the morning’s sunrise.

The Thang (4 stages)

  1. Stage 1 – Ground exercises
    • Kick-up leg raises (partner assisted by throwing feet back towards ground) x 15
    • Buster Douglas sit-ups (partner assisted) x 15
    • Diamond Merkins on your own x 15
    • Planking for 30 seconds each, 3 x with brief recovery in between
    • Brief mozy back over to tennis courts
  2. Stage 2 – Tennis Court Spider
    • Pax then participated in a 3-round Spider on courts, with each person running a grid to touch all corners in similar suicide-style fashion.
    • Brief mozy over to pull up bars by Volleyball courts
  3. Stage 3 – Pull-Up Station
    • Pax then participated in a session of pull-ups on 3 side-by-side pull-up bars.
    • Session was 3 rounds of 10 IC pull-ups
    • Brief mozy back to main grassy area for final stage
  4. Stage 4 – Modified B.O.M.B.S with ‘silent second B’ (this took the Pax right up to the CoT)
    • This was a partner exercise with 1 always running and the other 2 doing the exercises to reach total count
    • Burpees x 50
    • Overhead Claps x 100
    • Merkins x 150
    • Squats x 200

The morning ended with the CoT in a count-off, and name-a-rama.

Announcements & Prayer Requests:

  • Clearwater launch will be Saturday, 9/7
  • Ronald McDonald House on 9/9 in St. Pete
  • Adopt-a-Block (FL Dream Center) will be hosting a project to paint a home in Sep/Oct and help is needed (Dirt Dart)
  • Smudge requests prayers for his Step-Mom (Teresa)
  • Ozzy requests prayers for a friend (Sheila) who is waiting to find out if she has cancer
  • Tinker Toy requests prayers for his sister (baby on the way) and brother-in-law who’s in the military and currently over seas
  • #Law requests prayers for Sarah, who’s currently fighting a brain tumor
  • Branzino requests prayers as he’s preparing to take the first part of his Sommelier test
  • Bing asked the group to remember many brothers who are fighting regret of past decisions and battling the inner mental thoughts of forgiveness and moving forward from the past.