10 to 50 and back

Weather: 80 and humid

QIC: Lambeau

Pax in Attendance: Shamwow, Big Mac, Goob, Bubbles, Wilson, Manziel, Trump, Deep Dish, Chilli Pepper


Ten pax arrived by 5:15 and YHC covered the core principles of F3 and a quick, partial disclaimer (hopefully no one gets sued.) We headed into the Echo Chamber for some warm up laps which included high knees, butt kickers, carioca x2 and nur.

We then circled up for the following:

  • 15 SSH, IC
  • 10 Agitators each side, OYO
  • 10 Hill Billy Walkers, IC
  • 10 Strawberry Pickers, IC
  • Arm Circles, small to large, front and back

YHC then explained the main course. We had 10 exercises with prescribed reps for each.  Pax were to perform the first exercise, run a lap and then move on to the next exercise, followed by a lap and so on. YHC further explained that this routine was designed such that he could complete it. If a pax felt they were unable to complete any of the indicated exercises, they were to modify as needed for themselves. This included if pax felt the exercises were too easy as well. YHC encouraged those pax who could do so to run more than 1 lap or even run laps around the parking lot if they felt they could do so. Once a pax completed the list, they should start over from the top.

Here are the exercises:

  • 10  Burpees
  • 20  Step Ups 
  • 30  Big Boy Situps      
  • 40  Carolina Dry Docks
  • 50  Overhead Claps
  • 50  Little Baby Crunches
  • 40  Flutter Kicks 
  • 30  Monkey Humpers
  • 20  Tricep Dips
  • 10  Merkins

YHC forgot to kick off the tunes at the start, but soon remembered and fired them up. All pax hit the ground running and grunts and heavy breathing were soon heard from all. One pax commented that this would be the first time they could complete the exercises as called for, a good indication this weinke was designed properly.

It took several tries, but YHC believes he has finally found a go-to routine for 45 minute beatdowns.


  • Ronald McDonald House on September 9th


  • How F3 is having a positive impact on our 2.0’s

Prayer Requests:

  • First Responders
  • Military Personnel

Lambeau out.