Blackshirts – Final IronPax

QIC: Chilipepper 10 Pax in attendance.  Lambo, Drake, Dash, Sparky, Brutus, Manzel, Scrum, Chilipepper. Weather: Nice… 80 Week 4 of IronPax Challenge! Ran a lap with some butt kickers, side suffle and nur.  Rounded up and did some SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Left leg + Right Leg + Middle Leg static stretch, and finished off with …

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Buckeye Beatdown

Weather: 39 degrees, cloudy and gray. Oh wait, this isn’t Ohio!  It’s actually 71 and a little muggy here in paradise. QIC: BRUTUS PAX: (27) strong w/(5) FNG’s!  Ace, Apache (FNG), Banjo, Big Mac, Bing, Bones (FNG), Brutus, Bullseye (FNG), Chili Pepper, Clutch, Condenser, Coop, Dasani, Eye Spy (FNG), Hercules, Lancelot, Manziel, Papa Smurf, ShamWow, …

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A Plan is only a Plan if you stick to it……….

Weather: 71 degrees and 86% humidity……the running weather continues to improve QIC: CrabCakes PAX: Bing, Yamaha, Pincher ShamWow, Lambeau, Review of the 5 core principles at 0515 and then the PAX headed off towards the Bridge and into Waterleaf 0516. The Plan was for ShamWow to complete a bridge repeat, Lambeau to head as far …

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Lug Those Coupons!

QIC: Chilipepper 13 Pax in attendance.  Lancelot, Snapshot, Condenser, BigMac, Slater, Diesel, Papa Smurf, Train, Steel, Trump, Ace, ShamWow, Chilipepper. Weather: Nice… 78, Humidity, I don’t know but I was dripping (with sweat). Week 4 of IronPax Challenge!  We made it quick as the beatdown may take us over the 45 min! 5 Core Principles….. …

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The Meaning of Marriage | Preblast

THE MEANING OF MARRIAGE Facing the Complexities of Commitment with the Wisdom of God Modern culture would have you believe that everyone has a soul mate; that romance is the most important part of a successful marriage; that your spouse is there to help you realize your potential; that marriage does not mean forever, but …

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69, Dudes!

Weather: 69F and a touch humid. The moonlight was spectacular. QIC: Lambeau Pax in Attendance: Ripkin, Bing, ShamWow, Lancelot, Sniper, BigMac While looking for a picture for this backblast, I realized that many on the Internet don’t know how to properly use a comma. That’s ok, it goes along with the comment made about my …

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Yes you can do pull-ups

QIC:  Scrum Pax:  Scrum, Pincher, Skimmer, Goliath, Wallburger, Drake, Rowdy, LG, Brutus, Aquaman, Shamwow, Sir Wallace, Chilipepper No FNG’s Theme of the beatdown was IronPaxChallenge Week 3 – “Meter’s 43”.  Covered the F3 disclaimer and core principles. Pax conducted a Mosey to the bridge, with high knees and buttkickers mixed in. COP included the following: …

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A “Serius” Beatdown in the 90’s

  QIC: Lancelot Weather: 76 degrees and 66 % Humidity 4 Pax in Attendance: ManU, Bird Hole, Smudge & Lancelot Disclaimer : 5 Statements given Mozy: 1/3 mile run with High Knees, Karaokes, & Butt kickers, Warm up: SSH, Strawberry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, and Michael Phelps Showtime…and the Main Event… Although I was the only …

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