69, Dudes!

Weather: 69F and a touch humid. The moonlight was spectacular.

QIC: Lambeau

Pax in Attendance: Ripkin, Bing, ShamWow, Lancelot, Sniper, BigMac

While looking for a picture for this backblast, I realized that many on the Internet don’t know how to properly use a comma.

Image result for 69, dudes

That’s ok, it goes along with the comment made about my jugs this morning. If you don’t know what that refers to, you need to show up for one of my Q’s in the dark.

This morning started off at the crack of 5:15 with Ripkin asking “is it really that time already?” Indeed it was. The five core principles of F3 were covered and since we didn’t have any FNG’s, I blandly stated that we all should know to modify as needed and sue Bing if anything goes wrong. Yep,  I was in a sarcastic mood this AM.

We headed into the echo chamber to run warm-up laps with some high knees, butt kickers, Carioca x2 and nur tossed in. Next up we circled around the center for the following:

  • 15 Side Straddle Hops, in cadence
  • 10 Agitators each side, on your own
  • 15 Hill Billy Walkers, in cadence
  • 15 Strawberry Pickers, in cadence
  • 10 small/10 large arm circles, each way
  • 10 Toy Soldiers each leg, on your own

YHC had a stumble in his cadence during the strawberry pickers and mentioned his belly was getting in the way.

With our bodies ready for the beatdown to come, YHC revealed the list of exercises. We were to partner up and while one person was hitting the reps, the other would run two laps around the inside of the chamber.

  •   50  Burpees
  •   75  Salsa Dips
  • 100  Big Boy Sit ups      
  • 125  Carolina Dry Docks
  • 150  Overhead Claps
  • 150  Little Baby Crunches
  • 125  Shoulder Taps
  • 100  Monkey Humpers
  •   75  Flutter Kicks
  •   50  Plank Jacks

We all finished before 6:00am and a couple pairs started over from the top. At 5:56, YHC had everyone circle up for 4 Captain Thors to finish off the morning. This was not met with much enthusiasm.

Announcements included

  • Laps for Life this Saturday
  • Second F at the Rusty Bucket at 6pm on Wednesday
  • Second F at Burger Fi at noon on Friday

Praise for today being the last day of fence building for Sniper

Prayers for

  • Ripkin’s recent aches and pains
  • Liam’s soccer mates, that they will learn to be HIM and drop racism like a hot potato
  • First Responders

Well, that about wraps it up. Thanks to the 6 men who were able to make it this morning and to BigMac for helping me get through this weinke.

Lambeau out