
So here’s a story from A to Z.

There are 5 core principles of F3, but really there’s a secret 6th principle … every workout has a theme.

It could be a birthday, a random event that happened on that day, or something musical. Today’s theme celebrated the best in British music: the Spice Girls. Call it karma for the “Posh” nickname. If you need more info, you’re in luck.

2 become 1

We started with a partner workout: 2 laps of the Nolan parking lot, followed by exercises in 5 corners of the tennis court. Why 5? Well, one each for Sporty, Posh, Scary, Ginger and Baby.

The first time around, it was 10 merkins in each corner. We did 2 more laps, and then 10 American hammers in each corner. Finally, 2 more laps and then 10 burpees.


We moved on to a pole run, zig-a-zig-ah-ing through the poles in the Nolan parking lot. That was followed by 10 crunches in each corner of the tennis court.


We finished with 2 minutes of suicides on the tennis count, finishing just as the song “Stop” wrapped up. The final exercise of the morning was 10 Bobby Hurleys in each corner.

Announcements and prayers

Birthday wishes to Chilipepper. Well wishes to Wilson’s wife who is recovering today, and to Ripken’s father-in-law who is about to undergo surgery,