Fathering Like the Father | Week 15

Week 15 | A Few Good Men

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This week 5 Pax met at Adventure Park to conclude our latest book study: Fathering Like the Father. Thank you everyone that was able to attend this book study. Sorry the backblasts fell off towards the end there. Our next book study is The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller. Look for the upcoming Pre-Blast.

Good Men Are Righteous

  • How would you define Righteous?
  • In both Old and New Testaments, biblical righteousness simply means thinking and acting in conformity with God’s standard.
  • The more we know God’s Word, the better equipped we will be to choose righteousness as a way of life and function consistently as good men.

Good Men Are Obedient to God

  • Read  Matthew 1:20-25
  • Joseph demonstrated immediate obedience.
  • Is delayed obedience, in fact obedience at all?
  • Read Matthew 2:13-15
  • What would have happened if Joseph was not immediately obedient?

Good Men Are Tender and Gentle

  • Jesus was tender and gentle.
  • One of the most important things a father can do for his children is to clearly show them how much he loves their mother.
  • Let’s abandon the old image that a man should suppress his emotions and hurts so that he can get on with the job of solving everybody’s problems.
  • Ultimately we provide stability for the sheltering system our families desperately need in a shattered and shattering age.

Making It Work

God wants us to be good men, and goodness can be both defined and described. How can we model goodness in our lives and families?

  • Stay tuned to the Holy Spirit at all times.
  • Ask God to make you a more sensitive and tender person.
  • Model instant obedience for your family.

Questions for Discussion

  1. Rate yourself on a scale of righteousness from 1 to 10, with 10 representing the most righteous. Reflect on why you chose the number you did.
  2. Name some reasons your wife and children would have for calling you a good man when they discuss you with other people.
  3. How would you explain to your wife and children that you have decided to emphasize goodness more in your relationships with them?
  4. At times you may play and wrestle with your children, but when and how do they see your tender, gentle side?

Father/Child Dialogue

  1. Dad, talk with your children about what it must have been like to be the earthly father of Jesus and ask them what qualities they think Jesus may have wanted to see in Joseph.
  2. Kids, tell your father why you think he is a good man and talk about some specific things he has said or done to show you that is true.

Homework for 9/28

  • If you do not already have the book: The Meaning of Marriage then get a copy. The kindle versions is available too, but the paperback is a pretty good deal right now.
  • There is no reading assignment yet, however you can read through the introduction. We will be discussing the introduction on October 5th.
  • Even if you are single, this book is for you, just read the introduction!
  • We will still be meeting next Saturday 9/28 at Adventure Park 6:15 am.

Thoughts for the week:

  • How often do you spend quality time with your wife?
  • How often do you argue with your wife?
  • What common interests and activities do you share with your wife?
  • How often do you think of your wife throughout each day?