A Plan is only a Plan if you stick to it……….

Weather: 71 degrees and 86% humidity……the running weather continues to improve

QIC: CrabCakes

PAX: Bing, Yamaha, Pincher ShamWow, Lambeau,

Review of the 5 core principles at 0515 and then the PAX headed off towards the Bridge and into Waterleaf 0516.

The Plan was for ShamWow to complete a bridge repeat, Lambeau to head as far into Waterleaf and back as he could in the window of time provided and for the remaining PAX to knockout 6 miles while maintaining an 8:12 per mile pace.

Pincher and Yamaha, both coming back from injury, stated they would hang as log as they could and might have even groaned once or twice about the planned pace.

As the PAX headed over the bridge and quickly narrowed in on the desired pace of 8:12 per mile there were comments made of” No Fore-Play” and Getting right to it.  The 4 horsemen completed the first mile in 8:01 and once again it became obvious that the original plan was going out the window.  The following 5 miles were completed in 8, 7:52, 7:56, 8:19, and 8:08 for 3 out of the 4 PAX members.  Bing decided he was going to push the pace around mile 2 and ended with an overall average of 7:40.

Yamaha and Pincher both had solid runs and were able to finish below the target pace.  It was great to have you fellas out to the bridge with us, don’t make us call you out again!!

Lambeau completed his furthest distance and fastest pace per mile on record.  GREAT JOB!!

Total distances for the PAX ranged from 3 miles to 6.

Announcements:  Lunch on Friday 9/27 at 12pm at BurgerFi UTC with Zeus

Laps for Life Race on Saturday, 9/28 at NBP.

Clay shooting fundraiser on 11/2

Prayers: Rowdy for a safe Mission Trip, All First Responders, Military, and injured pax
