Early October Beatdown

Conditions 75 degrees and humid (rain or shine) this case Shine! Mozi  We jogged the gravel path around the pavilion to the Basketball court. The jog included Nur, kerioke, high knees and butt kickers. Warmups  SSH, arm circles, Micheal Phelps, Strawberry pickers,Imperial Walkers and Bad Back Stretches Sledge Hammer Thanks everyone who carried the sledge …

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Dunedin Beatdown at Highlander Park

Dirt Dart led the warm-up with some planks, stretching, and mountain climbers.  After the warm-up, Chicken Tender led a 20-minute HIIT routine with no breaks.  We then did relay races that involved sprints, broad jumps, and lunges.  We ended with a few ab exercises before shout-outs and prayer. These men will be soar tomorrow!

DTSP unveils new exercise…

Stay tuned for the big announcement, or just watch the video.IMG_8274 3 DTSP had a light showing today, but a good beatdown.  Ripken was on Q which means many shenanigans could be in the works.  However, do to a lack of sleep and not enough coffee, the tenor was mild.  Also on best behavior with …

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TTs and Ply-no

If you’re like me, you prefer TTs with beer, but that’s another song. This Friday NBP beatdown was forewarned to the pax, and they still showed up in mass, 22 in all, to find out what their best time for a 1 mile time trial would be.  We led off with a rendition of the …

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When there are 2 but not a Q.

Temperature 77.  Snapshot and Zima. Mosey to east parking lot.  Ssh, nightclubs, strawberries and lbc for 20 of each. Round of 11’s.  10 merkins, mosey to end of the parking lot for 1 lbc. We the did four rounds of triangles.  First 20 squats, mosey to second point, 20 nightclubs, mosey to third point, 20 …

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Ragnar training season has started……

Weather: 72 degrees and 96% humidity……another great morning to push the pace and breathe with relative ease QIC: CrabCakes PAX: Bing, Yamaha, Pincher ShamWow, Trump, Chilipepper Arriving at 0505 YHC noticed that the Bing driven clown car had 3 additional PAX which came as a pleasant surprise.  After arriving, YHC spent 3 minutes digging in …

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Tower Fun

As the calendar changes to Oct there seem to be a “cool” breeze blowing at NBP as the car continued to roll into the parking lot. Tuesday seems to be the new Friday as our Tuesday numbers continue to grow…. 🙂 Mosy – We headed off on our normal mosy over and around the bridges …

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3 Ways > Coupons

Date: 9/30/2019 Weather: 75 degrees, humid, clear, and really, really, really dark QIC: Manziel Pax: Brutus, Dead Eye, Goob, Lambeau, Lancelot, Manziel, ShamWow, Sir Wallace When today’s Q slot came up unexpectedly yesterday due to illness, YHC quickly grabbed it. I’d like to tell you that this was done out of a sense of leadership …

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weather was outstanding! QIC was Dirt Dart.  Had a total of 14 Pax ready to get after it.    Started out with standard briefing.  Did a mosey with butt kickers, high knees, marching soldier,  karaoke, and lunges.   Transitioned to stretching, SSH,  merkins,  flutter kicks,  and arm circles to get blood flowing for the upcoming …

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