3 Ways > Coupons

Date: 9/30/2019

Weather: 75 degrees, humid, clear, and really, really, really dark

QIC: Manziel

Pax: Brutus, Dead Eye, Goob, Lambeau, Lancelot, Manziel, ShamWow, Sir Wallace

When today’s Q slot came up unexpectedly yesterday due to illness, YHC quickly grabbed it. I’d like to tell you that this was done out of a sense of leadership and trying to be a true HIM, but really, it was mostly driven by the knowledge that Chili Pepper is the Monday site Q, probably still has all those coupons from Iron Pax in his car, and would come in with a nasty disposition (by his standards, anyway) after the Buckeyes throttled the Cornhuskers in Lincoln over the weekend. So I took it and as the Rock would say, You’re Welcome!

(note to self: make sure to fartsack for the first Ripken Q after Notre Dame’s bowl game – they always get their asses kicked and the thought of doing nothing but Richard Simmons for 45 straight minutes is terrifying)

The F3 mission statement, core principles and disclaimers were recited, followed by a mozi with your usual set of butt kickers, high knees, carioca x2 and nur. After that it was off to the echo chamber for the COP, where we enjoyed some SSH, strawberry pickers, imperial walkers, and Captain Thors, all IC. YHC incurred a counting malfunction at one point during the Captain Thors, which was greatly appreciated by the rest of the pax.

A number of the pax today are relatively new and had not experienced the famous Manziel 3-way, so the genesis of the idea and the whole concept was explained – we all line up on one goal line of the rink, do one exercise, go to the center line, do another type of exercise, then go to the other goal line for a set of a third exercise. Then go back to the center and the original goal lines and repeat the exercises you did when you were there the first times. Getting between each line required a mode of transportation which usually isn’t as easy as just running. Today, 20 reps of each set were done at each spot. Here were the sets:

Set 1:

  • 1st goal line: merkins
  • center line: drydocks
  • 2nd goal line: lunges
  • transportation: duck walk

Set 2:

  • 1st goal line: flutter kicks
  • center line: mountain climbers
  • 2nd goal line: monkey humpers
  • transportation: toy soldiers

Set 3:

  • 1st goal line: Freddie Mercury
  • center line: Parker Peters
  • 2nd goal line: Plank jacks
  • transportation: bear crawl

Set 4:

  • 1st goal line: American Hammers
  • center line: Shoulder taps
  • 2nd goal line: big boy sit ups
  • transportation: nur

Set 5:

  • 1st goal line: box cutters
  • center line: LBCs
  • 2nd goal line: burpees (by request from Brutus)
  • transportation: crab walk

Set 6

  • 1st goal line: Evander Holyfields
  • center line: overhead claps
  • 2nd goal line: moroccan nightclubs
  • transportation: skip

After all that, a few minutes were left for a quick round of Mary. I can barely remember any of the exercises, which is good because it means no one called for anything stupid.


  • Ronald McDonald outreach, Dec. 12
  • Still a couple of spots available for Ragnar – we’re going for 4 teams
  • Knights of Columbus to be hosting a military ball to benefit Southeast Guide Dogs – and if that’s not reason enough to go, Lancelot will be your MC!

Lots of praises, prayer requests, and mosquitoes, so we wrapped up and got out before being completely eaten alive.