“Pier Pressured” for Quality versus Quantity

QIC: Lancelot

5 Pax in attendance.  Lancelot, Slater, Mopar, Clutch, & Coop

Weather: Nice… 74 & Breezy

5 Core Principles…..

Onward forward to Mozy to the Pier under the Bridge

 …and the fun begins w/ a Coupon Special

DORA #1:

Pax 1: 50 Manmakers,  100 Coupon Swings,  100 OH presses.

Pax 2:  Run to the end of the Pier, 10 LBCs



Pax 1: 50 Thrusters, 100 curls, 75 vertical block bench presses.

Pax 2:   Run to Pier,  5 Hand Release Merkins


COT: on the Pier under the new Lights of the Bridge

*** Mopar saw a gentleman on the pier & reached out to him. He recently lost his dad and was having challenges in his life and wanted for us to Prey for him. We invited him into our COT. After beatdown, Mopar stayed and talked with him.

That’s what F3 is all about!   Great job Guys




  • Upcoming Races, Care 2 Tri, Savage, Ragner
  • Gridlock’s “Bridge for Life” Dinner and Auction , next Thursday 6:30pm

Praise/Prayer Requests

  • Fisherman aka: Brandon, for his Dad, Valentino
  • Bing’s Brother and Family, as well as Bing and Shamwow
  • First Responders, Police and Armed Forces!
  • Pax who are facing Challenges on their own and for those who can’t join us for the Fellowship of the F3 Brotherhood

Pax:  Mopar, Slater, Clutch, Coop, & Lancelot

“Plant, Grow, and Serve”