Ragnar training season has started……

Weather: 72 degrees and 96% humidity……another great morning to push the pace and breathe with relative ease

QIC: CrabCakes

PAX: Bing, Yamaha, Pincher ShamWow, Trump, Chilipepper

Arriving at 0505 YHC noticed that the Bing driven clown car had 3 additional PAX which came as a pleasant surprise.  After arriving, YHC spent 3 minutes digging in the back seat of his car looking for the source of the vibrating noise that was heard throughout the entire ride out.  After explaining why I was digging around I was happy to report to the other PAX that it was in fact one of my 2.o’s toys instead of one of my M’s toys.

At 0512 Chilipepper arrived and was welcomed by the other members.

Review of the 5 core principles at 0515 and then the PAX headed off towards the Bridge and into Waterleaf 0516.

The Plan was for ShamWow to complete bridge repeats and for the remaining PAX to complete an out and back into Waterlefe with a max mileage of 6.  Due to YHC’s poor eating yesterday, bowl of Ice Cream and 3 Chocolate bars after 7:30pm, there was no predetermined pace.  Today was going to be a run by feel type of day and was more about mileage and time on feet as some PAX members continue to prepare for the Sarasota 1/2 marathon on 10/20 and other members begin increasing their mileage prior to Ragnar Trail in early December.

All who headed into Waterlefe completed at least 6 miles.  Paces ranged from just under 8 minutes per mile to just over 9:30 per mile.

It was great having 7 PAX at the AO this morning.  I look forward to seeing the #’s increase as we get closer to Ragnar.

Also, there was discussion last week and today of starting with the COT, similar to Cycling Tuesday, which will allow for different distances and completion times for the PAX in attendance.

Announcements:  Clay Shooting fundraiser on 11/2, Check Email for Ragnar Information

Prayers: Bing’s Brother and Shamwow’s son Stephen for a speedy recovery.  Rowdy for a safe Mission Trip, All First Responders, Military, and injured pax
