Early October Beatdown


75 degrees and humid (rain or shine) this case Shine!


We jogged the gravel path around the pavilion to the Basketball court.

The jog included Nur, kerioke, high knees and butt kickers.


SSH, arm circles, Micheal Phelps, Strawberry pickers,Imperial Walkers and Bad Back Stretches

Sledge Hammer

Thanks everyone who carried the sledge hammer!

The Thang

We started with easy 20 yard sprints working on snap count. Everybody did great! “Set Hut Hut”

Time for the Dora!

100 burpees

300 LBCs

200 Merkins

100 Monkey Humpers

The Dora was on the Bball court and while 1 pax did the exercises the other one jogged to the benches and performed chair tricep dips and rotated to step ups.

When we finished the Dora it was time for an 11 where we did wide merkins and jump squats.

We then headed back to the parking lot for the 4 corners drill.  The first exercise was arm circles, secondly we did overhead claps and finished with knee touches!  Great group!

Anouncements praises and prayers

October 19 bingo “ Bring on the Ministry 8 ball

October 26 Husaders buddy walk for families with. Down Syndrome… come join Recall and his family on the walk!

Jacob’s upcoming ear surgery
Success of Emanual’s ear surgery and post results. Still keep his family in the prayers.

Roto’s successful surgery

Katie and family

Continued prayers for Brian

Bing’s brother Steve


JD out….